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Site Changed or Something else?


Well-Known Member
So a few days ago, after dinner or w/e, I came back to the Elvenar.com. The page kept having black squares and rectangles when I scrolled up/down. This happened totally out of the blue, there was no change on my pc.

Furthermore, it's only happening on Elvenar.com websites, like this one and the wiki.
I tried different things; clearing caches, restart pc, updated stuff, removed and reinstalled stuff, toggled settings on Chrome... for now nothing has worked.

It happens randomly, but again only here.

I'm terrible with tech. So if it's a problem on my end, I'll try and figure it out, but I honestly don't know how it could be, being fine 1 sec and not working well the next.

My guess was something about the website changed, that requires Chrome to... idk function differently?

Any help is appreciated & sorry for the inconvenience :oops:


If your browser zoom settings are at 100% and both Chrome and Flash are the latest versions I have no idea. Being a visual problem that's what I would check first.


Oh Wise One
Never happened to me. Possibly a script-blocker that is interfering with calls to some assets? Or bad graphics in the browser cache.

Are the black squares where something specific should be, or a random location? Do you get them in a different browser? A screen cap might help.


Well-Known Member
Same here black boxes that jump around ( of different sizes) when I scroll mostly. I'm up to date also but will try to add screen shot Capture.JPG
It seems to only happen in forum


I haven't see that problem yet..on my laptop and I use a script blocker in chrome.
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Well-Known Member
If your browser zoom settings are at 100% and both Chrome and Flash are the latest versions I have no idea. Being a visual problem that's what I would check first.

I tried this. Didn't work.

Never happened to me. Possibly a script-blocker that is interfering with calls to some assets? Or bad graphics in the browser cache.

Are the black squares where something specific should be, or a random location? Do you get them in a different browser? A screen cap might help.

Random, totally. Like @shimmerfly

After a more extensive search I found many reports of this over the years. It is apparently a Chrome bug that just randomly pops up on occasion that possibly has something to do with Hardware Acceleration settings...

For now, nothing has worked.

I will add. I kept trying to update Flash. But for some odd reason, everywhere I went, I couldn't do it, lol
I just reinstalled it, and *CROSSING FINGERS* no squares have come up yet since :confused:
I tested in different threads, and so on, seems all good for now.

I suggest to the ones who posted here having same issue, to just try the following: @kctanzen @shimmerfly @Laochra

Step 4: Reinstall Flash

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. Go to adobe.com/go/chrome.
  3. Under "Step 1," select your computer's operating system.
  4. Under "Step 2," choose the option that lists "PPAPI."
  5. Click Download now, and follow the steps to install Flash.
Hope it helps, helped me, good luck! :)

e - nvm.... it's back... lasted a few minutes, lmao :mad:


Well-Known Member
@HJK84 And all..:)
I've covered all of what was suggested and I can get rid of them for a while. If this doesn't clear up after the update as GroomerWoman said I will reload Chrome completely Yep this stinks!
As of right now all is well and I just reset Chrome settings to default.