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    Your Elvenar Team

Recruiting Skyeland II seeking active player - gold spire, 12+ tourney chests weekly!

Lady Amanda

New Member
Looking for an active, friendly FS? You've found us! Skyeland II is ranked #50 (on 8/26/23) and we have 1 place available. We work for GOLD in the Spire weekly and take 12-13 chests in the tourney each week. We have some simple requirements:

1. Spire - defeat the boss of the Gateway weekly (at a minimum - we prefer you CLIMB to the top!)
2. Tournament - earn at least 750 points weekly
3. FA - agree to let us know if you're playing or not and agree to produce badges as you'd like and/or as assigned

If you'd like to chat about joining us, feel free to send me a message! I don't often come and check here, but you can find me in the game. :)

-Lady Amanda, Archmage of Skyeland II
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