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So .. was thinking again *gasp*


Well-Known Member
As I was doodling around in the architect tool, I had a possible AHA moment....

If I removed my pond of recreation and plopped in the other 4 wishing wells I won from the Phoenix event, my actual net culture goes up, though I lose the big chunk of neighbor polish help if somebody happens to click on the pond. And as a bonus ... I can always rebuild the pond when I have space again .. or make space from another expansion or 2 from the tech tree as I open them up.

At my current and so far tolerable pace, orcs is going to take me well into summer, if not early fall it seems == I'm ok with that since this will be letting me put lots of KP into wonders getting them leveled up to really help my city.

If I used the wells now, in 3 months when the effect is due to expire, I can sell them off and have the space for another option.
The wells will likely not get any better for me if I hold onto them anyhow.

Does this seem like a reasonable action?


Well-Known Member
If you have some extra room already for upcoming Events. That is, if you do partake in Events, be it FA or solo.

I myself have currently 0 Culture from buildings. I have a few 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, but those are just to fill odd open terrain.


Oh Wise One
Yes. The wells are worth less every day that they sit in storage, because what they produce does not improve over time, While the diamonds will always be worth the same amount, the amount of coin or supplies you get (and even the value of a KP) gets lower and lower as you progress.


Well-Known Member
I pulled the trigger -- sold off my pond of recreation, put in the other 4 wells I had stashed in the inventory == net gain of culture too and if i decide that really just wasn't worth it, can always sell off and rebuild the pond.

I'm hoping that in 3 months I'll be close to done, if not all finished, with orcs and will be doing another wholesale revamp of my city.

Thanks for the advice!!