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    Your Elvenar Team

So what DO you like?


Active Member
I browse these forums almost every day. I don't comment a lot because most of the posts seem to be complaints. Maybe I am naive but I prefer that attitude honestly. So in order to break the stream of complaining, I want to start a thread of compliments or at least why you play.

So here are my questions for all of you.

Why do you play this game?
What do you like about it?
Why do you continue to play?

My only rule is you are not allowed to complain!

Now, why do I play? I enjoy the slow pace. That I do not need to harass my FB friends to play. That within a FS there is camaraderie to work together and to grow. That I can challenge myself to grow to certain levels. That it challenges my patience sometimes. I think the graphics are pretty darn cool! That there is a goal to work towards. I could go on but you get the idea :)


Why do I play? I picked up Elvenar shortly after I was forced to move back into my parents' house while going through a nasty divorce. I hadn't lived at home for well over a decade, didn't know anyone around, didn't have any real personal space, and didn't have any money to go do things. A free-to-play game that was beautiful and interesting, and could be picked up at more or less any time of day was a great distraction while I worked through job applications, divorce paperwork, and whatever else was going on. I have kept playing because I started to get pretty good at some of the strategy elements, and was seeing booming progress.

What do I like about it? Obviously the "free" part has a little to do with why I'm here. As for the game itself, I love the illustrations and style, and enjoyed the relatively stress-free mode of play. There are challenges, but nothing that can't be figured out by a little planning or adapting a strategy. Much of this has changed in the past couple months, so a good follow-up question is what do I like about it NOW? That answer has fewer and fewer answers, sadly. At this point, I've invested over a year into gameplay and don't want to bail just yet. Not the best reason. The scenery remains beautiful (for now) and it's still low-pressure, which are definitely positives keeping me around too.

Why do I continue to play? Answered above, I think - I've been around for a while and want my time to feel like it had meaning. To up and quit now would make the past year feel like a waste. I'm not truly enjoying the game anymore, it feels like a going-through-the-motions routine with no real "play" now, but I'm still around hoping to get back to the fun parts! Fairies are coming up soon and the beauty of my Elven city will blossom, so I can't wait for that!


Why do you play this game? I LOVE the graphics, that is what attracted me here to begin with

What do you like about it? I like that it is not on FB, I like a city builder, I like that there is no PVP, I like the continued challenges of keeping the city in balance

Why do you continue to play? The graphics, the challenges and to see what the devs come up next with each race. I also love my fellowship ties and enjoy helping other players :)


I play this game because I like the building aspect of it.

I continue to play this game because of the social aspect of it. I have some very good friends in my fellowship and my best friend and I also chat on facebook because of this game.

I also love the graphics. The designers have done an amazing job on the elven race, the dwarves and the fairies and I adored many of the prizes in the summer solstice contest.


Oh Wise One
Why do you play this game?
I enjoy city builders and the casual nature lets me pick up and put down the game in and around family commitments

What do you like about it?

The cooperative nature of the game with no PvP, The strategic challenges of "building tetris", streamlining my town, rising to the challenges like space and guest races. The fairy and orc guest races. Leveling wonders.

Why do you continue to play?

To see what happens next, playing with family, great fellowship, cheap to play.


Why do you play this game?
What do you like about it?
Why do you continue to play?

Why do I play? Because I love the graphics, I love the friendships I have made, I have spent a pile of money and hope things will get better. smiles
What do I like about this game? The graphics are wonderful, the Fellowships are great, and I have made friends here.
Why do I continue to play? Because I hope that things will change and the game I began playing will come back into the game at least a little bit.


Why do I play?
First online game of this kind and have been enjoying it but am beginning to ask myself that very question.

What do I like about Elvenar?
Having been in the civil engineering field for over 30 years it's kind of nice designing something that doesn't have to be accurate, calculated. I enjoy the ability to move buildings around so that I may fly by the seat of my pants and not worry about consequences. I find that thinking up a new layout and then using just a couple open expansions it is like a puzzle figuring out how to get it the way I want it and I like puzzles. Brings back childhood memories of when I was a young boy and grandpa would buy me puzzles. Not jigsaw puzzles but the kind that fit together using odd shapes and materials that held each other together.

Why do I continue to play?
Ah yes the question that comes after why do I play. And here I am at the heart of why i've been asking myself why do I play. For now it is because I can sit here in the evenings after a long day at work. Have an adult beverage or six, relax , kill things that don't exist, produce other things and then use those things to build something in cyberspace.

What would stop me from playing?
If the trend in the changes made by INNO continue to make me buy diamonds to continue playing as I have been since I started.


Well-Known Member
I play Elvenar because I detest PvP games. I like the challenge of building my city and then having to rearrange and rebuild for new races.

Right now, I'm still here because of the time and effort that I have invested in the game and I am very much looking forward to the Wood Elves to see the changes they will bring.


Well-Known Member
Why do you play? I was playing Forge of Empires, another Innogames product, and had gotten to a point where I was not enjoying the game. I had seen advertisements for Elvanar. A fantasy city-builder seemed like a good change. I had hoped, and was rewarded, with a game that has better balance in its design

What do you like about it? I like the challenge of a city builder. This one also happens to have a beautiful look to it. I like the challenges of designing and redesigning my city as it advances. The puzzle-box feel as you move the buildings around and try to get them to fit. I like the figuring out the strategies to the fighting, but I am glad this does not have a PvP aspect. I also like that my main resources do not change with every age that I advance.

Why do I keep playing? Mainly I keep playing because I still enjoy the game. That enjoyment begins with the game design and the new developments that are released as guest races. I am very fortunate to be in an awesome fellowship. I like being an advisor to my archmage as well as man of wisdom for my fellowship. I enjoy teaching when questions are asked. And my wife plays the game as well.


Why do you play this game? I saw a facebook ad for the game and from the moment I built my first workshop and started producing supplies, I was hooked.
What do you like about it? I like the social interaction, helping others with their cities, contest prizes (need more contests!) and I like the graphics.
Why do you continue to play? I have a lot of time and money invested here and even with the changes I have experienced, it's not enough to drive me off yet.


Active Member
Old Man.....I remember Castleville! LOL I played it until I go tired of having to beg for stuff from my friends.


Why do you play this game?
I enjoy city building. It's as simple as that.

What do you like about it?
I like the graphics, the challenge of making my city attractive yet still completing the objectives of game. I love the option of either negotiating or fighting to complete provinces. I love that there is no PvP and that you can either auto fight or use your own strategies and make the moves yourself. I also like the community aspect that some Fellowships have. I play in four of the five worlds and I'm half and half on good Fellowships. Two are wonderful. We talk to each other, help each other out and so on. The other two... not so much...

Why do you continue to play?
I continue to play because I'm still enjoying it. I still find it an interesting challenge to make sure that my supplies, goods, population, culture, and coins all are in balance enough for me to continue to progress in the game.

Old Man

Old Man.....I remember Castleville! LOL I played it until I go tired of having to beg for stuff from my friends.

For those on FB -
Ah those were the days. :)
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