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    Your Elvenar Team

"Some thoughts about Chat - and Camaraderie within the Fellowship 'family' "


Platinum Leaf -FB
I thought I'd share a few ideas about what makes a well-run Fellowship!


Look at this awesome picture of the Dublin Philharmonic performing Tchaikovsky's Symphony # 4, in Charlotte, NC.
I spotted it this week - and the thought came to me:
"A good Fellowship is just like a Symphony Orchestra!"

Look in front: There is the Conductor in his tux; we call him/her ArchMage.
Then there are the String section and the Brass and the Percussion - each has its Leader. We call those the Mages.
The Leaders get most of the publicity - but no one player is more important than any other!
The little guy in the back row with the triangle only gets to strike it a few times - but if he struck wrong, or fell asleep and forgot - the whole performance would be ruined!

Look at the picture!
Which one are you?
The muscular guy at the back with the massive bass-drum who smites it boom, boom, BOOM! And drinks beer by the gallon and tells joke after joke loudly, once the concert is over?
Or are you the timid little piccolo player who never says a word during rehearsals and only sips green tea?

It does not matter!
Each is equally important!!

A good fellowship should be a 25-member happy 'family'!
Some people play the game because they are retired or medically disabled - and it is a bright spot for them in a day that might otherwise be boring and pointless.
Some people come to the game after a hard day at the office, to relax and chill out with their 'family'.
It is a safe, friendly place that people look forward to visit - it has a 'feel good' about it.
Some people even find an Internet cafe when they are on holiday, so they can pop in for a quick visit and say Hello to their 'family'!

There are, I believe, 4 Corner-stones to Fellowship:
  1. Daily visits
  2. Daily trade
  3. Help with Game-play
  4. Camaraderie and Chat
For me, there are only 4 legitimate uses for Chat in the fellowship 'family':
  1. Light-hearted amicable banter;
  2. Asking and receiving help with game-play - and personal matters too!
  3. From time to time, advertising trades
  4. Sharing news - both game-play and personal.

There is, IMO, no place for name-calling, cynicism, belligerence or argumentativeness.
There are 24 others who are there to relax and have fun - and they have no interest in one player's bad vibes.
Contentious issues should be handled in Private Messages, I believe...

Here is a 'Golden Rule':
Don't make comments in Chat that you would not make face-to-face to your real-life family!


(This is Tip # 76 from the Facebook group 'Elvenar Platinum Leaf')
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I don't disagree with what you said at all, but something tells me you have seen some drama in a fellowship? I'm still somewhat new so maybe that happens, but I've been very lucky in the couple of fellowships I am in. I, personally, would like more "chat" just because it gets boring. Perhaps a master dirty joke teller or two in the group would liven it up :)