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Spire levels locked


New Member
Why would a spire level be locked so that you can't progress further? No unclaimed mystery chests and everything else worked ok.


Well-Known Member
I ran out of time a couple of times while fighting 2nd and 3rd waves of spire encounters. Some times I had one more move to finish the fight when every thing abruptly went blank and the game went back to the main city page.
I wonder if my troop losses were reinstated as the encounter cancelation was on elvenar's end and I was about to win!


Why would a spire level be locked so that you can't progress further?
To make things challenging and interesting. When players solve encounters, they can earn time boosters and advance through the Spire at will. And when the Spire ends, the reward includes more time boosters. This is what the game consists of: performing certain actions and activities so that players can enjoy rewards that will allow them to perform tasks and overcome difficulties more easily. In this way, there is a sense of progress and achievement.


New Member
Thank you for the responses to my question. I have researched the different websites I know about and have not been able to find a solution. When Mucksterme suggested I might have run out of time, I started thinking there was a time limit I didn't know about. Haven't found anything on that, and the spire had definitely not ended yet. I was able to go back in many times after that, which I did, to make sure I hadn't missed a bonus chest or see if the gate would then open. Nothing. At this point, I am just going to assume it was a temporary bug in the game. So the spire has reappeared now and I am back up there with my diplomatic face on trying it once again! If it happens again, I guess the best thing to do is ask support to look at it. Haven't found any other answers to what happened. Thanks everybody for taking the time to read!