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    Your Elvenar Team

Suddenly helpable builders huts in dead cities


Has anyone else noticed this????
I clicked 98-99% of the builders in the cities around me, even the cities that say quit the game and sold everything saleable.
Another of my fellowship members, states she noticed the same thing last nite.
I was just wondering if anyone else noticed.


Active Member
I just went to a known dead city, you are correct. I'll remember that when doing my rounds, previously I would just skip the known dead ones, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Builders even in non-dead cities were lost... I am sure the dead cities have their builders full again by now.


coin from neighbor visits should now read the correct amount

Not quite, at least not for me. It appears to be running somewhere between 2:1 to 4:1, e.g., for every 2-4 polishes, I show coins added, but when I collect them there have been twice as many as indicated, all the way up to four times as many as indicated. It would appear the tweaking needs more tweaks.

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
There is no difference, they are talking about long dead cities with upgrading main halls that couldn't be helped in forever, now can (at least until 3 players help them), because the builder hut was cleared in the last update. What they need to do is finish the upgrade on the main hall for these cities so we could help them again all the time, or better yet move them out and bring in active players.
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