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    Your Elvenar Team

Suggestion for Troops/Battle


New Member
Playing through this game at present I find the troops to be a bit weak... Taking the fun out of even battling in this game's "Heros of Might and Magic" style battle system. Leaving the players whom enjoy the battle system to negotiate rather than battle at all. It could use Generals and artifacts allong the lines of this old school game I used to play all the time to stimulate battle fun. "Warloards 3" I know its more of a city building game but the battles need a bit more incentive. Maybe a even adding items like magic spells like in HOMM could spice it up a bit. Another simple solution to get people battle more would be during the events add the "event currency" to be clicked upon in some battles. Just a suggestion to increase the fun...


I highly recommend to look at the sorcerers scrolls of knowledge section on here and click on the battle knowledge thread. Very informative and there are 5 day buildings that help and aws that help as well. There are a lot of fighting cities here that may be able to help you.