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    Your Elvenar Team

Suggestion: New Battle Unit: Jouster


How about a new battle unit that is mounted on a horse?

He could be a heavy melee unit in armour, riding a black horse, carrying a jousting pole. If he's an elf, his helmet would accommodate holes for his ears at the sides, and he would have spikes on the shoulders of his armour. The human one would have a red plume on the helmet, and a shield with a cross or a multi-pointed star.

As for the mounts, the human jouster could be on a flying horse, and the elf one could ride a dragon.

Danage 90-110, strike back 3, movement range of 10, weight 11. I could maybe do some illustrations for this when I get time.


I will go ahead and forward this idea to the developers. See what they say.


Thank you, I'm glad you like the idea and I hope they can adapt and use it :)