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Suggestion to change Autofight to remove chance of failure.


I'm one of those players that wouldn't mind using my army to fight matches, but to me, it feels a bit tedious and more time consuming. I do see the advantages of being able to fight manually so that you can outplay the AI and thereby take a province while minimizing troop loss.

The lure of using goods/coins to just pay is that it's a fixed cost and also a guaranteed win. The advantage is i don't need to keep looking at a chart to match the opponents, no AI involved or randomness of loosing if you just pay the goods costs.

The problem we've all acknowledged with autofight is that sometimes you won't win even if you have better forces. Why not change autofight to be a fixed troop cost for a guaranteed win? So similar to the Catering Cost you would have a Troop Cost that you would be willing to just let die in order to have a guaranteed victory thereby turning troops into a commodity like any of the other goods you produce.

So as an example, i'm looking at a level 2 Tournament right now, The Catering Costs are 430 Supplies, 520 Steel, or 57 Scrolls.. the Shady Characters are 3 groups of 87 Light Melee and 1 group of 22 Heavy Melee.
There should be a way to pay a flat fee like: 25 Treants, 15 Mage and that will autowin you the fight. Or if you think you can do better with different troops then you have the option to do the fight manually.

This way it encourages you to build armies, but also the autofight would be just as fast as buying supplies without the time sink of picking the right troops and worrying about randomness of the AI auto battle.

Just a suggestion to maybe bridge the gap between people who like the combat system, and those who think it's just a time sink, and don't even bother with troops. I'd like to think there could be a middle ground..
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I like this concept. Maybe the autofight "clear win path" could be a lot more expensive than the manual fighting. Or well, maybe some kind of nice advantage for manually working out the battle.

This would give those of us that don't want to pull out a chart to play a game a way of participating in this path, while leaving the battle system in-tact for those who really enjoy figuring out how to work the intricacies of the manual battle system.

This is definitely food for thought. Good idea!