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    Your Elvenar Team

Suggestions on better ways to do KP sharing for AW's


Oh Wise One
Every method has pro's and con's and the topic can be one of the more hotly debated topics in the forum (a couple standouts beat this one). The biggest question really is what are the goals and objectives you have around the program you want? What might an ideal program look like for your fellowship? For example:
  • Do you want prescribed donations or donors choice?
  • Is timezone/time of play important for members?
  • Amount of involvement in making a donation?
  • Amount of involvement in managing a program?
  • How should rotations work? does every person get a turn regardless of amount received or a turn based on donations, etc
  • How many alternate options for donating do you want? An option for daily kp, an option for runes, all combined etc, etc.
There are plenty of other criteria/factors, above is just some examples of information that helps to filter down what might work for you and your fellowship. The one criteria I didn't list that you made very clear was that of snipers/poachers/interlopers/outsiders/neighbours/etc. If this is your key concern that donations from them can potentially harm your wonder program then there are 2 clear programs that are not only not impacted by them but benefit from them.
  • Self-donation
    • Net-zero is a specialised form of self-donation
  • Wonder society
A lot of people struggle to see the benefit of self-donation as its seems counter to what you want to do but the benefits are there and it is easily the simplest option. Net-zero is a specialised form of self-donation with some guidelines to make it more efficient, any outisde donations are forced to pay the value of a chest or above as members will put in up to the chest value. So outside donations have no negative impacts to this program. Wonder society is similar in that outside donations reduce the donations required and everyone benefits, even if the person gets a chest the net benefit is there. Outside donation in a society is like having an additional bonus chest that the player gives you instead of the game.

It sounds like one of your bigger issues to address regardless of the program is the enthusiasm of your members to participate. This is something you have to overcome for any program to be successful. Granted some programs appeal more or less to individuals based on their own personal preference.
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This system has 2 effects on me:
1. It sounds super fun.
2. gives me an eye twitch.
It works great! I have new members that are getting the hang of it and one just had her first Raid Day and messaged me saying how she had thought she might be overlooked but was pleasantly surprised at having to upgrade 4 upper level AWs with 2-3 more nearly ready for upgrade at the end of her week. My turn started yesterday and I've already upgraded 2, both had about 200kp to go. Whenever we have a player that is locked in with runes or upgrades, we do a full team raid and just raid at will, with players having less than 200 to go posting in the chat or in thread and everybody gets upgrades. So much better than the traditional swap or the 10kp for you until eternity list method. We are a 10 chest team so we always have loads of KP laying around.