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    Your Elvenar Team

Superficial, but I Want


I doubt there would be much interest in adding this, but I'd like a setting where you can choose to have your culture boost represented visually and/or see it in other cities. None? Dark and shadowy. Max? Bright and sparkly! And so on. I'm guessing this could be achieved with simple filters, but my understanding of such things is limited.


We have that little sun icon that is either bright sunny or dark and cloudy. If you really messed up the visuals of people's cities with filters then you'd effectively be forcing people into having one level of culture only or they couldn't see the screen.


I meant for a fairly mild ambient effect, nothing too drastic, and optional, like animations.


This is a practical request. When visiting fellowship members, we could see their culture %. They could leave instructions like "C 2+150, M". We'd know to only polish if below 150, else donate coin.


This is a practical request. When visiting fellowship members, we could see their culture %. They could leave instructions like "C 2+150, M". We'd know to only polish if below 150, else donate coin.

I hadn't considered that practical use for it, but, yes, yes I would like to aware of when polishing would actually have an affect, because I obsess about whether I'm helping with aid or not.