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Supply Storage Usage


New Member
My supply storage is nearly full but coins are pretty low so can't afford to upgrade main hall. Other than upgrading various buildings... are there other ways to use up some of the supply storage?


New Member
I'm not talking about things like marble, planks, steel, but the supply you get from "Workshops"... the supplies that are listed in the top bar, to the left of the diamond counter. If you can trade those through the trader... where? I did look, but if it exists, I must be overlooking it somewhere.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions


go to the trader, use the tab "wholesaler", there you will find goods to trade for 1)goods, 2)coins, and 3)supplies.

Maz Mellor

Well-Known Member
The wholesaler should give you the option to buy non-boosted goods using coins, boosted goods, or supplies. Another thing you can do with them is buy Knowledge Points. But I think bobbipiazza's suggestion about the barracks is better, because KP get more expensive with each one you buy.


I do train troops as fast as I can
You may also want to add another Armory, and/or upgrade your existing Armories and your Barracks. There's no such thing as too many troops, unless you're shortchanging the development of your city.

The supplies required for each unit remains the same, but if you're training MORE troops per hour then you'll likewise burn through more supplies.


No, but you can give KPs away to help others later on in the game, after unlocking the wonders in the research.


Also extra troops=battles won=++Kp's
Tournaments are coming too, so you will want troops on hand at high levels if possible.(if participating)