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    Your Elvenar Team

Switching Routes at Weigh-point's?


I've heard this referred to as a strategic option, but I'd like to hear from anyone who's done it. It seems as though we'd have to complete 2 weigh points to switch paths...and that doesn't add up to an advantage


We did it during the last FA. It can be strategic depending on your badge production. Remember that not all badges are created equal.
I don't recall the exact details for our switch, but basically the first half of Blue was easy, but the second half required a bunch of 48 hour tier 1 badges. Whereas the second half of green was easy. If we switched to green halfway, it cost us more badges (because we completed 2 waypoints), but the badges were easy to farm (breweries and bakers, I think).

The GamersGem has a really nice image that shows you exactly what badges are required where on the paths. Gives much more granular info than just "Green costs 50 breweries" for example.


Well-Known Member
We have definitely switched paths before, especially in the first and second screen, where we often complete additional multi-color waypoints for the points anyway. I believe one of our changes was to avoid badges that required enchantments, as those were too difficult to get right at the end after the tournament was over.