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[Cough] On Mobile swiping pans the view more often than it actually harvests the gold. It works in theory if you are lucky.
My Kingdom for a Scroll/Pan Lock mechanism on Mobile ...


Well-Known Member
On mobile, I've found that aiming for the floating icon indicating the resource that is to be collected instead of the land plot where the building is tends to work better. Try swiping starting there to see if it helps.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
On mobile, I've found that aiming for the floating icon indicating the resource that is to be collected instead of the land plot where the building is tends to work better. Try swiping starting there to see if it helps.
On browser it is opposite, it's the base of the building that matters.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
For me, collecting on mobile isn't the issue...it's figuring out where I'm tapping to apply an enchantment. Every morning is like, "Oops, wrong workshop! Errr...nope. Got the same workshop again. OMG, how fat are my fingers??? Now this dang workshop is going to be sparkling for over a day..." Thank goodness for the Dragon Abbey. At least I'm getting some mana out of my fat finger misclicks.


Thanks for the feedback. It seems the approach for mobile is poke the coin at the end residence, then slide the finger over the row and then release. If you just 'swipe' you'll pan. The 'poke' is more a point and hold until the game knows you want to start here...