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Teleport AW?


Well-Known Member
AWs are testy little things, even when you delete one accidentally and we replace it, it's a bit of a project.
delete AW, save level ... rebuild to saved level it's fine too.
I should think it would be obvious it wasn't this easy if for no other reason than the relatively recent ability to use Rune Shards to donate KP. That revealed a mechanic that's been in play for a very long time to help prevent cheating - namely, donation caps.

If you don't think mucking with how much KP you have instantly in a wonder on the back end isn't going to completely destroy your ability to receive KP donations to your existing AWs, then you are thinking far too simplistically. And that's only one variable component that Support would have to be cognizant of in putting an AW back into a city after accidental deletion.

There's a reason that "coder time" is one of the things we're supposed to be aware of when making suggestions for changes in the game.

Silver Lady

Well-Known Member
As a former programmer and Oracle DBA I would like to say unless you have access to the underlying code, stored procedures and database structures it is unrealistic to state the time required to make a change or how difficult a change would be. And we (us here in the US forum) are not the only ones wanting changes, so prioritizing is probably a complicated balancing act. Let‘s give the devs some credit and maybe a thanks for what they do to balance out the complaints for what they haven’t done.


Well-Known Member
Why don't we just take AWs out of the spire and tournament calculation. Should make the calculations easier.


Mathematician par Excellence
Teleporting AWs is not being considered and is a suggestion that we will not forward.
From speaking directly with them during Q&A we've been told several times that how often we ask for something directly impacts how seriously they consider implementation.

It's also entirely possible that a motivated group could come up with solutions to most if not all of the issues involved in this request, so issuing a blanket statement that it's off the table makes puppies cry.

"People could abuse it for the spire&tournament"
1. Make it cost prohibitive to do so: 1 teleport spell per square for example, or per x levels
2. Removing AW from the formula is also an option
3. adding a cooldown
4. use build times. Placing a level [30] wonder takes xxx hours

The same goes for all other issues I'm sure. Certainly not every offered solution will be viable but I believe we can get there with enough discussion which I'd like to see encouraged rather than the stifling of innovation I'm reading here.

Teleporting AW would be a fantastic feature that would allow players to try new strategies without losing years of work that they put into their cities. I know that for me it would breathe new life into the game and potentially bring back the whole city-building aspect of it.

Besides, now that the FA badge collection works the way I always wanted it to(how great is that BTW?) I need a new request to pester them with ;)
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Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
From speaking directly with them during Q&A we've been told several times that how often we ask for something directly impacts how seriously they consider implementation.

It's also entirely possible that a motivated group could come up with solutions to most if not all of the issues involved in this request, so issuing a blanket statement that it's off the table makes puppies cry.

"People could abuse it for the spire&tournament"
1. Make it cost prohibitive to do so: 1 teleport spell per square for example, or per x levels
2. Removing AW from the formula is also an option
3. adding a cooldown
4. use build times. Placing a level [30] wonder takes xxx hours

The same goes for all other issues I'm sure. Certainly not every offered solution will be viable but I believe we can get there with enough discussion which I'd like to see encouraged rather than the stifling of innovation I'm reading here.

Teleporting AW would be a fantastic feature that would allow players to try new strategies without losing years of work that they put into their cities. I know that for me it would breathe new life into the game and potentially bring back the whole city-building aspect of it.

Besides, now that they've fixed the FA the way I asked them to(how great is that BTW?) I need a new request to pester them with ;)


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I am not holding my breath for AW ports AND @SoggyShorts is right, the ability to port AWs completely changes the dynamics of the game and breathes new life into it. Imagine being able to store your military assets and try the hyper-resource project where the wholesaler can be made to supply a city with super-inexpensive goods by virtue of some other maxxed out AWs that include large neighborly help multipliers. Or ramping up a military city if you have only been a negotiator without having to pay the upfront and encounter costs of adding more expansions. Or designing a city with a cascade of building heights so that at last you can see every single building, unobscured by perspective. Anyone interested in getting away from doing their own version of what everyone else is doing would have a lot more latitude and be able to spend a different type of time with the game, perhaps even spending cash, if they were of that persuasion.
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Mathematician par Excellence
No, that is more like it.
As discussed earlier, all exploits and cheats can be pre-empted by any of several suggestions such as cooldowns and/or teleport costs.
But please, if you have an exploit or cheat that you are concerned about please voice it and we will address it.

As a start, I'd go for something like
1. Wonders can only be teleported at a rune phase(or max level)
2. The cost to teleport is 1 TP spell per level
3. Tournament and spire costs are based on your highest "formula" of expansions, techs, and AW levels in the 7 days prior to the spire/tournament start.

#1 is for simplicity and so that KP isn't lost, but a warning of "All KP donated since the last level up will be lost" is also an option.
#2 Might be high, but it's the easy way to smack down any ideas for abuse. Lower cost options could be anything from some number of teleports per rune phase or blueprints. Making the build time of wonders placed from inventory equal to ALL levels is even an option. That's several hundred hours of timers for max-level wonders.
#3 is possibly the hardest for coding and might be totally unnecessary if #2 is done right.
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Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
As discussed earlier, all exploits and cheats can be pre-empted by any of several suggestions such as cooldowns and/or teleport costs.
But please, if you have an exploit or cheat that you are concerned about please voice it and we will address it.

Remember the rules. All Ideas should be able to be boiled down to a yes/no choice. A hundred variables to cover all the exploits would never go past the CM vote. So all this can really be is "should AWs be able to be teleported - yes or no". If you all want more than that, take it to General Discussion, where a mod will not lock and archive the thread because it would never get approved.


Mathematician par Excellence
Remember the rules. All Ideas should be able to be boiled down to a yes/no choice. So all this can really be is "should AWs be able to be teleported - yes or no"
You've created your own interpretation of the rules. A yes/no vote on the final idea is required, but providing details is not only encouraged, but it's also necessary.
A specific suggestion that covers all possible objections and side effects(in a simple manner) is obviously a much better one than a single-line suggestion with a poll.

A hundred variables to cover all the exploits would never go past the CM vote.
The only complaint about this idea (on the player side) is yours in the ultra vague
"but cheating" statement.

"100 variables" is a bit of an exaggeration, so far, a suggestion of "Teleport wonders with a cost of 1 spell per level" comes very close to addressing any exploit I can think of.
But again, I invite you to be specific with your concerns, and they can be addressed.
If you all want more than that, take it to General Discussion, where a mod will not lock and archive the thread because it would never get approved.
This thread has already been unlocked by a mod to allow us to further discuss it. Adding yet another thread on the same subject somewhere else would only dilute the discussion.

The formula I'm aiming for is pretty basic
Idea = good
idea + problem = bad
idea + problem + solution to problem = good (and ready to suggest as an idea)
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Mathematician par Excellence
I thought this topic was closed …
Specifically re-opened because it's not a dead topic, and if tweaked could be implemented (just as several other such ideas have been in the past despite initial rejection)

Do you have any objections to the feature suggestion?
Any concerns that would need to be addressed before you supported it?

Deleted User - 1178646

Lets please not call the developers lazy. They have worked very hard to bring you all a lot of your requests this year as well as some new features. Simply because they did not choose to implement something you were hoping for does not make them lazy.

There are a lot of variables for AW teleportation, and because of this, it is not currently being considered. Will that change in the future? Of course, it is possible, but not likely.

A few factors that make this challenging are that Ancient Wonders count in both the Tournament and Spire cost calculation. Other buildings in your inventory do not. So either teleporting would allow an exploit of this system, something we obviously don't want to allow, or someone would need to reprogram this.

Teleporting also requires that the level be saved as well as any KP or rune shard additions.

While all of this may sound simple to reprogram, it is not, and often "fixing" one thing can break 6 other things. There are other things on the agenda that have a priority over this.
I kinda know why it's not considered, most likely the same reason another game had trouble doing it. but they solved it by making rune and spare kp invested in it are lost when teleported. so you keep the level but not anything else.

Would be very happy with a warning message we would loose it when we teleport it. feel tree to throw it away.
As discussed earlier, all exploits and cheats can be pre-empted by any of several suggestions such as cooldowns and/or teleport costs.
But please, if you have an exploit or cheat that you are concerned about please voice it and we will address it.

As a start, I'd go for something like
1. Wonders can only be teleported at a rune phase(or max level)
2. The cost to teleport is 1 TP spell per level
3. Tournament and spire costs are based on your highest "formula" of expansions, techs, and AW levels in the 7 days prior to the spire/tournament start.

#1 is for simplicity and so that KP isn't lost, but a warning of "All KP donated since the last level up will be lost" is also an option.
#2 Might be high, but it's the easy way to smack down any ideas for abuse. Lower cost options could be anything from some number of teleports per rune phase or blueprints. Making the build time of wonders placed from inventory equal to ALL levels is even an option. That's several hundred hours of timers for max-level wonders.
#3 is possibly the hardest for coding and might be totally unnecessary if #2 is done right.
I too am not to scared "cheats and exploits"
Yes you can strategically teleport wonders in and out of your city but art the same time the fact that gaining teleports is a slow process the ability to game it is very limitedd.

Off course someone could game it once every x months or so, but I would call that a strategy, not an exploit. just like it's a strategy to build stupid tiny city's to game the tournaments like this city who needs 12 more researches before it can rule the world.
Or to build a stupid town like this to get to the top of the ranking.

Or like teleporting your fellowship cities to get the room to rule a fellowship.

You get like 1-3 teleports a week or so? thats not enough to exploit and game the system


Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
Specifically re-opened because it's not a dead topic, and if tweaked could be implemented (just as several other such ideas have been in the past despite initial rejection)

Do you have any objections to the feature suggestion?
Any concerns that would need to be addressed before you supported it?
no concerns ,
just not a fan