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    Your Elvenar Team

The Anthill™: The Mandible Mansion of Munchies


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
What's small in size,
Love pies and fries,
And live among the plants?
They follow each other's tracks
To steal other people's snacks...

The Anthill™ is the new fellowship venture cooked up by a chef of questionable repute that once married Swedish Fish to Flamin' Hot Cheetos in unholy marshmallowmony who now dared to ask the question, "What happens when you add more shenanigans to a fellowship?" Well, it seems the only proper way to fit a vision so big and grand is to make use of the fractal nature of reality by making ourselves really small! Don't let our tiny size fool you though. We, of the Formicidae family, can carry 50x our bodyweight, a skillset we mostly apply to taking other people's snacks to the penthouse suite of the Spire because nobody wants to try any of crackie's Bud Sorceress's Nuclear Revenge or her other culinary offerings, especially anything that involves breadcrumbs. Our colony is vast, spanning many time zones, with the most social among us chatting through all of them. The Anthill™ is the ideal home for competitive players that enjoy communal play, are not afraid to get dirty to get the job done, and have a thick exoskeleton to withstand all the pointing and laughing from your teammates' extra limbs after group hijinks and tomfoolery.

Update (August 2023): The Anthill™ finished our fourth FA in 2nd place. No errant badges were placed into wrong checkpoints too so no workplace accidents on @Sprite1313's watch . We're really good at following each other's tracks! We're also averaging 16 chests in tourney (yay, blueprint!) and have become certified Gold Spire in just 8 weeks of existence. Our love of teamwork also means wonder society is our preferred method of wonder building. Everyone works on the same wonders to get them done faster, so be gone, devilish swap threads! Be gone! Fear not, the Queen has a capable staff of Account Ants on her Council handling the spreadsheets so you don't have to. We're very organized and good at turning new ants into productive little worker ants!


We totally know what we're doing!™

Do you have what it takes to enter our Mandible Mansion of Munchies? Prospective snacktivists should contact @crackie or @The Fairy and include a limerick to apply for membership to the colony. Limericks are subject to approval by the Council of Consult Ants. Larvae and pupae with no experience are welcome, but must demonstrate good worker ant ethics and strong willingness to learn how to carry snacks up many flights of Spire stairs for the penthouse party. At worst, you come out learning a thing or two about myrmecology...and philology. We also have a resident philologist because you never know when shenanigans call for a philologist.

Playing style: Competitive
Spire: Gold
Tourney: 16 chests
FA: We heart FAs
(mostly to drive our Queen crazy)
Wonder Building: Wonder Society
Amenities: Library with brass lamps and green shades, Trademark enforcement with Penalty Box, Open Mic Night with 3 drinks minimum, Word of the Day Vocabulary Building, Pantry full of stolen snacks, Live-in chef, errant birthday cheers from staff, Book Club, and official FS merch
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Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
Your funny crackie! Sounds like a fun place to live
Even more fun place to snack! Or talk about snacking. Bonus points if you use feijoada in a conversation. We also have a library, replete with solid brass lamps and green lamp shades. For the record, I asked for a movie theater.

“Big or small, we snack on it all!” - Someone important and noteworthy if it’s written out like a quote!


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
We are not accepting haikus at this time. The limerick is part of the vetting process for a reason.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
And oddly enough it's not because colorless green ideas sleep furiously, is it?
No, Noam. There are very functional and practical reasons why the limerick requirement is there! I think anyone that's played in a FS vetted by limericks wouldn't go back to FS not vetted by one. It's like asking people to go back to swap threads!

We did get a very interesting limerick submission recently. The ants were vexed how someone rhymed Jersey with Subway or Sunday. We learned it, in fact, does if you're a Kiwi ant and pronounce it Subwee and Sundee. Apparently people from New Zealand Aotearoa can't open their mouths fully when they talk or their dentures will fall out. All this has been added to our library of useless knowledge, all because of a limerick submission! We've also learned the butt of an Aussie green ant tastes like lime so we're hoping an Aussie will join us in the near future so we can moot about the limeniness of their green butts. If anything, The Anthill™ will be ready shall any fellowship challenge us to Trivia Pursuit. Did I mention we have a resident philologist too?? More importantly, we've added a new time zone and country to our colony's expansion and now have a resident Kiwi ant.

We have a few spots left and are probably 3-4 climbing ants away from Gold Spire (waiting for some larvae to grow up bc they got stuck with the new tech tree, grrrr). We're also gearing up for FA. Anyone interested in anthood and Spire climbing, please write to @The Fairy and I why you would make a good worker ant in limerick form.


If anything, The Anthill™ will be ready shall any fellowship challenge us to Trivia Pursuit. Did I mention we have a resident philologist too??
I'm pretty sure you've lured Theme Fairy herself and her sparkling cortège into your nest too although Noam would probably disapprove of it just as Koerner eventually disapproved of him.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
I'm pretty sure you've lured Theme Fairy herself and her sparkling cortège into your nest too although Noam would probably disapprove of it just as Koerner eventually disapproved of him.
Luckily and thankfully, we only have to concern ourselves with bringing back snacks acceptable to the queen and not the grammatical ramblings of old men.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
@crackie, our snacks are not stolen - they are liberated and moved to a better neighbourhood. ;)
The haul from the inn infestation was mighty! Only @Dreamyn2 hung out at the pub area too long while celebrating @The Fairy ’s birthday. We look forward to what them Shire folks are storing. I heard there are second breakfasts to be had.

(Help! My fellowship is threatening to start a book club!)