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The ashen Phoenix questions


New Member
a few questions , can i used a normal phoenix evolve to upgrade it ?
2. How many extra points does it give?
mine is at level 1 and im pretty sure it does nothing


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
1. No, you can only use an ashen phoenix artifact to evolve it.

2. Mine gives me 2% additional currency whenever I complete an event task. The tasks are only worth a low amount, so that is not more than 1 or 2 currency per task.

(The good news is they round up, not down, when calculating the 2 percent. So that could mean one more currency.)


New Member
Where does this extra currency per task show up? I have fed it and have completed several tasks. How do I know that I'm getting extra?


Oh Wise One
Where does this extra currency per task show up? I have fed it and have completed several tasks. How do I know that I'm getting extra?
A single feeding of Ashen Phoenix lasts for something like 33 or 34 days. The vast majority of events last around 22 days. There are a few events like the annual Winter Magic event that will last for 30 days. Therefore if you feed your Ashen Phoenix at the start of any event, you will receive the bonus for every quest until the end of the event. The Ashen Phoenix feeding effect will last longer than the event.