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    Your Elvenar Team

The costs associated with advancing


I have spent the last money i am going to spend on this game.they
have changed the expansions now,from having them available,at 2000 diamonds,to unavailable until???at a cost of 9000 diamonds,which is approx $100.00 real money? that is insane,,and i will not be spending any more here,and am thinking of leaving the game.


The maximum number of premium city expansions you can buy has been lowered to 23, to make the amounts more fair. We have also increased the prices for this particular type of city expansion to reflect its value better.

This means that there are no more available expansions for you to purchase. You will not lose any expansions that you have bought.


i agree it is insane that we have to put over 50.00 to get a expansion when there is more than 15 to get inno games will be losing a lot of money because of this high price they put on the expansions how stupid can u get to do that to the players that put so much money in to the game on a weekly basses it is insane they need to lower it back to where it was or they will not make any money at all on this game


well,,i was spending approx $200.00 per month,,and that is the end of it. Im done. they are more concerned with the newer members,it appears to me,,and those of us who have been paying,can just take a flying leap.

I agree, the cost to advance continues to increase - and I feel like I am being nickel & dimed to death .....


I am not one to complain. I might grumble a bit, but usually I just sigh and move on. I spend money on this game (not as much as many players, but I do pull out my credit card from time to time). I was saving my expansions for the Woodelves, and in 14.8333 days will finally have to S'hrooms and Loot I need to get there. I read the release notes prior, and so I am not usually surprised. I also understand that the devs have kids that need shoes too. So, I spend money understanding that people need to make a living. However, the new costs for expansions are just too much. I almost put in a ticket thinking it must be a mistake, but I came to forum, and saw that it wasn't. I will continue to play, but with no room, I'm not sure where I would spend the diamonds anyway. It's a shame, and I hope that this will be reconsidered.


My thoughts on this... understand I have no proof, it is merely a conclusion I have arrived at after lengthy reading and thought. This is an action to slow the game down for everyone. We players have argued about the game slowing down for us so much and decried the ability of people will to buy expansions to be able to play as quickly as they wished. This change in cost will deter almost everyone from buying expansions. It levels the playing field for those with money to play and those without money to play. In that respect, Inno listened to the players and made it difficult for people to rapidly breeze through the tech tree. Inno has stated over and over they need to slow the game down. This should do the trick. smiles. I know I have bought my last expansion along with most everyone else.