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    Your Elvenar Team

Throw in some nice extras


While I do enjoy the challenge of the game it would be cool if Inno threw in more extras as the play gets tougher....call it Inno Helping Hands or whatever. For example: the further away from my city the province is the more it costs in everything-coins, supplies, and goods and it is exceedingly higher and the reward is 1 KP, 1 Relic, and 4 whatever they are {forgot, brain fog}. Depending upon how challenging that particular checked spot is and costs the rewards should be commensurate. Example: 2 KP, 2 Relic, 6 {?} and gradually increase. Free population wouldn't hurt as incentives either. I just started not all that long ago and I'm already at a slow point. I started out at the bottom of my fellowship at 11. I grew in rank. Then others would join who were higher than me and I would drop in rank....which is OK, that's fair.I think we now have 17. I have thus far climbed in rank to #5 and I worked really hard to get there tho admittedly I did buy a few diamonds. But now, and it isn't all about me because others are going at a snails pace as well, my game is so slow when playing it I rarely have to check it which makes it ....boring. Boring is not good. Since space is a premium need we can only build our residences up just so far before they will need more space. We could start building smaller residences but still they take up space where culture needs to go when needing to raise that. It is a Catch 22 situation. Every important building like workshops, manufacturing, and residences need upgrading. Without sufficient opportunity to acquire space it is almost....almost impossible unless you buy diamonds and not everyone can afford that. Now I realize Inno has to eat and pay their bills too so I do understand the need for cash players. Completing a province is expensive no matter whether you negotiate or fight. All I am asking is for some perks for the players and perhaps to tweak the costs or demands to accomplish what needs to be done without hurting what you need too. The game is for fun, enjoyment, and to foster camaraderie. Most can't afford to give KP or relics tho I have twice since starting this game. Also, many do not reciprocate with helping hands...usually the ones who are really high ranked. I help roughly 40 people. I may get 8 to 10 to help back. Which is, of course, their choice. I think it is their loss actually. Them golden Helping Hands help a LOT. I don't want to quit the game. It has great potential. However, I feel strongly that it needs some revamping/tweaking. Thanks for reading. Have fun.

While I do enjoy the challenge of the game it would be cool if Inno threw in more extras as the play gets tougher....call it Inno Helping Hands or whatever. For example: the further away from my city the province is the more it costs in everything-coins, supplies, and goods and it is exceedingly higher and the reward is 1 KP, 1 Relic, and 4 whatever they are {forgot, brain fog}. Depending upon how challenging that particular checked spot is and costs the rewards should be commensurate. Example: 2 KP, 2 Relic, 6 {?} and gradually increase. Free population wouldn't hurt as incentives either. I just started not all that long ago and I'm already at a slow point. I started out at the bottom of my fellowship at 11. I grew in rank. Then others would join who were higher than me and I would drop in rank....which is OK, that's fair.I think we now have 17. I have thus far climbed in rank to #5 and I worked really hard to get there tho admittedly I did buy a few diamonds. But now, and it isn't all about me because others are going at a snails pace as well, my game is so slow when playing it I rarely have to check it which makes it ....boring. Boring is not good. Since space is a premium need we can only build our residences up just so far before they will need more space. We could start building smaller residences but still they take up space where culture needs to go when needing to raise that. It is a Catch 22 situation. Every important building like workshops, manufacturing, and residences need upgrading. Without sufficient opportunity to acquire space it is almost....almost impossible unless you buy diamonds and not everyone can afford that. Now I realize Inno has to eat and pay their bills too so I do understand the need for cash players. Completing a province is expensive no matter whether you negotiate or fight. All I am asking is for some perks for the players and perhaps to tweak the costs or demands to accomplish what needs to be done without hurting what you need too. The game is for fun, enjoyment, and to foster camaraderie. Most can't afford to give KP or relics tho I have twice since starting this game. Also, many do not reciprocate with helping hands...usually the ones who are really high ranked. I help roughly 40 people. I may get 8 to 10 to help back. Which is, of course, their choice. I think it is their loss actually. Them golden Helping Hands help a LOT. I don't want to quit the game. It has great potential. However, I feel strongly that it needs some revamping/tweaking. Thanks for reading. Have fun.
PS: I also know about the research to reduce the costs of scouting. While a help it only just takes the edge off.
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