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    Your Elvenar Team

Tome of Secrets...Horrible AW


So, I have one of these. I thought it would possibly look cool and it does give a cool avatar. But that is the extent of the actual usefulness of this AW. I get to scout once a day, maybe. So, for that I receive a whopping 500 supplies. I also receive 1 KP if I remember to collect it, once a day.

Here's the rub on this. First, to increase the AW, you need KP's. If you used the KP's that you received daily, well, you could upgrade this to level 15 in just a few years. If you spend KP to upgrade that you accumulate, well, now you are actually going backwards on this AW. Even at level 15, one scouting every couple of days means you will get 15k supplies, which can be done in an hour using manu's.

I'm actually trying to find ANY usefulness from this AW but I just can't. This isn't JUST a rant, but it's also a question. Am I totally missing something? Was there a good intent originally and it got lost somewhere? I don't like certain AW's but that's my personal play style, but this one, I can't see why one would like it unless it was meant only for the cool avatar. Was that it? Anyone? Anyone? ...Buehler...Buehler...


I'm actually trying to find ANY usefulness from this AW but I just can't.
If you're building LOTS of houses, workshops, and manufacturing buildings, AND you can play for at least several minutes each time you log on, then I'd agree with you.

BUT, if you're only building what you actually need for the demands of the game, and you can only log on for a couple of minutes between classes (we'll eventually have a mobile app of some sort) the leveling your Ancient Wonders is an ideal way to clear your Knowledge Points bar.

Once you HAVE an Ancient Wonder you'll have a PERMANENT buff, that does not consume Coins, Supplies, nor Goods. So AWs make everything ELSE easier. They're a key element of a sophisticated strategy.


I guess I could see your point there, but even still, wouldn't a different AW be better to dump KP's into?


AWs make everything ELSE easier. They're a key element of a sophisticated strategy.

Unless you are sophisticated enough to know that part of making economic decisions is not only looking at the seen, but the unseen. Xulu is correct. Other buildings need supplies in order to function. What is unseen is what could be built in that space instead. And virtually ANYTHING else would be more useful. Don't forget the scouting times keep going up so this building gets more and more useless as time goes on.