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    Your Elvenar Team

Too Much.


There are just too many Tournaments I just got over one the other day and now we're in another one just too much. how about making these once per month because it takes more troops than we can make, as well as other resources to complete the tournament and expand so we can get more spaces. I think, I will no longer do these Tourney's; you took a nice game and messed it up with all your new garbage.


I like the tourneys. Is the idea to do one complete round every month or something. What I mean is that you have a tourney for each boosted good and then next month do another round? That makes some sense to me. It would give everyone time to rebuild armies and collect goods/supplies/coins for the next round. If its going to be happening all the time, though, it is really putting a strain on all of the goods available and production. Some of the members in my group are only doing tourneys and are not progressing in the game otherwise, which seems to me counterproductive to the whole point of the game.


If I'm still building my army, I cater to earn my way to the rune shards. You can always just skip the tournaments, too. I'm glad they do them frequently, because it's about the only way I have to get shards for the new wonders since it takes days to scout provinces, and a lot more effort to complete them.