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Tool Tip for Manufactories and Workshops


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this is a duplicate, but this has bugged me for so long and just wanted to quickly throw it out there.

Can we please have a tool tip when we mouse over a manufactory or workshop that not only tells me how many of the goods were produced, but what type? This is especially helpful during major quests when we are producing lots of different types to fulfill quest elements. I usually have to keep notes on how many equals what kind (beverages, simple tools, etc.) Would be so helpful if the tool tip said what you had produced. Many thanks!


Mathematician par Excellence
I started a thread for this on the Beta forums, but I'm very sure it's been requested before there as well. It's Quality Of Life changes like this that should get implemented at least 1 per month. I'm no programmer, but it really seems like a 1 day job to me, and I know it would go a long ways towards making players happy.
Other Q.O.L. changes like province ring on tooltip, culture info toolip while visiting, scout times on tooltip.... Hmmm I'm seeing a pattern here....


Mathematician par Excellence
I am using all level ones to fulfill the quests. Since I have no idea what they are when finished, I keep one workshop and one manufactory idle so I can open it to see the production amounts before I collect for the quests.
Lol yep, I even nuked the ones I upgraded for a quest so they'd be level 1 again and have the same numbers. Sadly I am using a mix of level 1 and max levels though and not enough of them to keep 1 idle all the time, so I have a crude map drawn with the times on it. Other players have written a list of what is produced in X hours by each building and reference that (which isn't great if your boost % and culture boost fluctuate)
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Right now I have 25 workshops and 25 manufactories. I am only able to have this much room for the quests because I just started working on the advance scout for orcs. So I nuked my fairy settlement to do it. Otherwise I probably would not be able to keep an idle one either. I just hope that the sell your fairy portal quest is declinable now haha!