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    Your Elvenar Team

Tournament Checkpoint Rewards


Is this feature active and working correctly?
In the Silk Tournament this week I worked with 2 neighbors and together we completed two 5K point Checkpoints.
My final tournament score did not reflect an additional 10K tournament points. In fact it did not increase period.


Sure. They aren't much of a benefit and I find it a very confusing feature. I can either go nuts, lose tons of troops and get my neighbors to join me all for a relic or two? I can get 6 relics from doing one province. I can get a relic just from doing neighborly help. So, to go through all that in the checkpoints? The only worthwhile bonus from those checkpoints imo, are the runes you get if your reach the last checkpoint. Only that's impossible. You would need 7 players all right next to you and all of them doing that one province to level 6.

Also, strangely show players "ranked" in that tab, and those ranking don't mean anything. So, no wonder it is confusing!!



Yes I agree. Not much incentive for neighbors to work together to clear checkpoints. Guess I will go back to just participating in tournaments in order to acquire Relics/KP through level 4. High troop losses in level 5-6 as well as the time commitment are just are not worth it to me - not for a few hundred ranking points.


I like the runes, getting to lvl 6 is worth it to me for them well atleast while there was no tech to go thur it was. Now I am not so worried about it, now I have to worry about rearranging for the houses ! Lol