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Tournament Difficulty During Boosted Week


Well-Known Member
I just switched Fellowships, and my new Archmage claims that Tournaments are cheaper/easier during the weeks corresponding to your boosts. I haven't heard of this before. Can someone please confirm that this is true?


Well-Known Member
Its not true. Its based on squad size. Some tournaments are naturally easier because of the nature of the enemies vis-a-vis your primary troops.

But why would she say that it is easier during your boost week?
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Buddy Fan Club member
But why would he say that it is easier during your boost week?
My guess: because he believes it to be true even if it's not. I know a player who's played much longer than I have and is absolutely certain that tournament difficulty is tied to the tiers of goods: tier 1's are easy, tier 2's are medium, and tier 3's are hard. That is false, but there is no changing their mind. Also, many casual FS encourage new players to just do the tournaments when they are for their boosts. They get comfortable doing those province types and find the others more difficult, not because they really are more difficult, but because they're unfamiliar.
The person with the tiers of goods stuck in their heads is otherwise a very reasonable sane person and fun to share the game with, so I just avoid discussing tournament difficulty with them. I figure we've all got our quirks (lord knows I do) and it's not worth jeopardizing an otherwise good gaming relationship over something so minor. .


But why would he say that it is easier during your boost week?
I'd say 3 reasons:
1. During your boost tourneys, you typically put in more resources to get further in the tournament. Therefore, in the back of your mind, you're always "winning more" during your boost tournament. But few people are keeping meticulous track of catering costs, or troop losses, so they don't know whether winning more actually cost them as much.
2. Depending on your progress through the game, you may only have 1 tourney at a particular squad size tech. Meaning you research Squad Size Upgrade 7 during a marble tourney, and by the next time marble comes around, you may have researched Squad Size Upgrade 9. And so you did Marble, Steel, Planks, and Crystal at 7, Scrolls, Silk, and Elixir at Squad Size 8, and Dust, Gems and Marble at Squad Size 9. During all of these tourneys, you're remembering how you did, but you're not considering how much harder each tourney got from each Squad Size upgrade. So you "remember" how well you did during some of those boost weeks, but you don't properly put it into perspective.
3. Its something he heard, and it just gets repeated over and over. No one tests it and the math of catering costs (and the realities of certain enemy compositions) make it hard to definitively test. So a rumor becomes a fact.


Well-Known Member
As other said, it depends on his perspective.

I realized you can do fairly well during the current Tournament.
With just massing up Heavy Melee (Elves), and if you have a nice LvL'd Monastery/Sanctuary, you can do quite well.
Not saying you'll hit top 100, but, it might be possible... I'm sure you can, if you wanted with just 1 unit trained.

Just saying he might of thought the same thing o_O


Mathematician par Excellence
Your AM is actually kinda right....just barely.....almost
Catering in tournaments mostly requires the same goods in each tier.
For example

Marble&crystal&elixir (all first goods of each tier)
steel&scrolls&dust (all second goods of each tier)
planks&silk&gems (all third goods of each tier)
boosted tourn.png

So if your boosts are planks & silk & gems, then during the silk tournament the provinces will mostly ask for only your boosted goods which is "easier".

Of course if you have decent trading partners this is irrelevant.


Oh Wise One
Other than what Soggy said in terms of catering it is likely they have easy boost tournaments. I have scrolls and dust and could easily conclude boosted tournaments are harder than normal. It is a reasonable assumption based on a sample of only my town or talking to other scrolls and dust boosted players. It is only when I look further into the game mechanics and talker to a wider group of people I realise that my assumption is not correct.

Squad size ratio has the biggest impact on combat difficulty, this is fixed in tournaments based on round. So the reason for one tournament appearing harder compared to another (eg :scroll: v :steel:) comes down to other factors.
  • Range of the key unit seems to be a strong indicator Generally speaking tournament that need melee units are harder than those using mage or ranged troops
  • Type of unit required. Generally speaking heavy melee units fair better than light melee
  • Race Humans fair better with mages, elves fair better with heavy range. Both races have pros and cons with certain units.
  • Chapter - Are certain unit techs and their upgrades unlocked
  • The specific mix of enemies. Some provinces the mix of units is harder than others, almost like the "perfect" combination was chosen for some while others they seem to have just randomly picked certain opponents.
  • Wonders and speciality buildings