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    Your Elvenar Team



Screenshot_1.jpg Fighting against humans as a human is pretty interesting. Paladins are like mini Sherman tanks. My basic strategy so far has been Cerberus against Priests/Archers with Paladin sweeping up. This tourney is going to tax my paladin/cerbs the most.
Two tips- if you get 2 Paladin up snug against enemy Paladin they have to go wide and that creates a safety zone for Archers
Enemy Paladin seem to be targeting my paladin over my cerberus. If you send paladin/cerberus and the cerberus take out the ranged bring them back into the fight by having your paladin strike the enemy paladin from an adjacent hex--
he will counterstrike whih means all following blows are free so bring the doggies back for some
oh- 3rd thing I'm noticing-
Auto fight is fairly safe if you are using paladin. If you add in cerb or archers be sure and take out intended targets before hitting auto

I should add- the tourney I'm in is on winyandor and it's scroll territory
pic shows 2 paladin block


Are there quests I HAVE to do with this? I am thinking about ignoring it till it's forced.


no, you don't have to! But, some of the low levels are fairly cheap, and you'll probably want to pop in and get some boosted relics here and there...

the faster you get boosted relics, the more it adds up! This week is scrolls


The first several are pretty darn cheap for players at higher levels I cleared 7 or 8 on Aren and had earned 2 level ups today on my scroll production. In the long run this will probably be better for heavy producers than fighters. Fighting just takes so long if you want to get away intact.


no, you don't have to! But, some of the low levels are fairly cheap, and you'll probably want to pop in and get some boosted relics here and there...

the faster you get boosted relics, the more it adds up! This week is scrolls

I have been strictly negotiating. But now I am building a couple armories on K! LOL The attraction is the boosted relics!


I must be missing something, but where are the troops coming from? The totals in the tournament menu listing my available squads/troops seem to be different than what's listed in my barracks? Also, how are the squad sizes determined because they are very different [much smaller] than my regular battles? Also, just a warning...there's a glitch where the squad totals are "999" resulting in your troops being listed as zero on the battle field, which die immediately when hit. Since there are zero troops, it probably doesn't subtract from your forces...but it's a shock when it happens...lol.


The totals in the tournament menu listing my available squads/troops seem to be different than what's listed in my barracks?
The number of troops shown for you, and for your opponent, is based on your most advanced Squad Size technology. The nearby rings are still harder than the distant rings, and they're still tuning the catering costs and squad sizes (difficulty), but as compared to an additional sector in your outermost ring, the Tournaments range from medium easy to medium hard.


Back again....I figured it out...dah...because the squad sizes are different [smaller], the totals squads are larger in number...


The number of troops shown for you, and for your opponent, is based on your most advanced Squad Size technology. The nearby rings are still harder than the distant rings, and they're still tuning the catering costs and squad sizes (difficulty), but as compared to an additional sector in your outermost ring, the Tournaments range from medium easy to medium hard.
Thanks Katwijk for replying....I'm not sure I'm understanding your explanation, nonetheless, I was able to figure it out by....paying a little more attention....


It's not a simple circumstance. The tournaments aren't too hard for the beginning players, nor too easy for the advanced players.

If you think of the tournaments as sports leagues, determined by your Squad Size technology, playing in the Pee Wee league isn't as hard as playing the Yankees.


I've yet to research the tournament feature yet, but have been reading through the forums for some general understanding. From all the reading I have not yet seen any mention of a curiosity I have about the tournaments.

Non-Tournament Province clearing count towards the next level to achieve a land expansion.

Does clearing a province in the Tournament count towards the next level to achieve a land expansion? (if it does, might make non boosted goods weeks more worthwhile)


From everything I have read here and on beta forum - No. Tournaments do not count toward province expansions or rank points like regular encounters do. You can earn rank points if you are in the top spots overall in the tournament for your world, so I hear. So you have to split your time between tournaments & regular province clearing.


New Member
Can somebody enlighten me, please, about how you go about collaborating with your neighbours at these tournaments?


  • Only sectors that you have ALREADY acquired will host a Tournament.
  • If several folks do a particular Tournament (sector) during the week, they each get a prize that's based on the composite score for that Tournament.
There's not currently any Fellowship component to the Tournament scoring, nor any sort of Fellowship scoring other than the sum of the member scores for that matter, but it would be straightforward to have a list that indicates how well each each member within a fellowship is doing, and there might even be a bit of overlap between Neighbors and fellow members.


Can somebody enlighten me, please, about how you go about collaborating with your neighbours at these tournaments?

It's an auto-feature. If they've fought in a Province, you'll see it reported in the Tournaments window. Also, I suppose you can communicate with them and coordinate efforts in one particular province or another.


Can somebody enlighten me, please, about how you go about collaborating with your neighbours at these tournaments?

I would like to know that myself! The instructions are not clear, and no one seems to be able to give me a straightforward explanation. It is easy enough to open and play your own tournaments, but they seem to be isolated events. And the tournaments do not seem to combine in any fashion----each one is entirely separate. On my map, I can see only the tournaments that I opened myself----no other tournaments, by other players, appear at all. How are we supposed to combine efforts with other players if we cannot get into the "same" tournament? Sure, you can look up in the rankng list and see who is playing, but what good does that do you? I think the designers need to come up with a clear list of instructions. It is a nuisance trying to figure out how things work with explanations that only explain things poorly and incompletely.


Open the Tournament Icon from the bottom bar. Then, on the Checkpoint slider, click the gray lock - that will open the Check point menu and show you if any of your neighbors are playing in that Province.


So far tournaments the tournament has been minimally beneficial as most of my neighbors are in Chapter and have quit playing. All my neighbors who could be participating are way out on the edges of my map


  • Only sectors that you have ALREADY acquired will host a Tournament.
  • If several folks do a particular Tournament (sector) during the week
Sectors? Do you mean tournament provinces? There is no sector term in any of INNO's information releases as skimpy as they are.


The map has hexagonal sectors for Relics, 2 out of 3, and hexagonal sectors for Cities. Every third sector on each diagonal from 11 o'clock to 5 o'clock will be of the same type, and the pattern will repeat again 4.5 sectors away.

You'll only get a Tournament in Relic sectors that you've already acquired, and they will open in sequence ring by ring, starting at 11 o'clock in each ring.
