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    Your Elvenar Team

Trading wasteland


My little village is sitting in the middle of a trading wasteland. I've had a handful of 2 star offers out there for 3 days without any interest at all. That being said, most if not all of my neighbors are "dead" the majority of them are black triangle's according to elvenstats.
Other than joining a fellowship, which I'm looking to do, is there anything else I can do?


Well-Known Member
A fellowship will certainly help out right away.
Additionally, go into your game settings and make sure the option to Allow Movement to a Better Location is selected.
In the example below, it is NOT selected. If you want Inno to move you, make sure there is a check mark there.
If it is already selected, then I'd suggest either waiting a little while...they make sweeps periodically, or you could try reaching out to support to ask if there is a way to move you. Good luck!
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