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    Your Elvenar Team

Training Armies


It is absolutely taking me FOREVER to train my troops. I have been training for 3 days now and each of my troops is still at zero or less than zero. I filed a ticket with the game asking about this and they said all I can do is keep upgrading my armories. (I currently have 6 ranging from level 11 to 16). Any helpful suggestions/explanations would be greatly appreciated!

Kawhi is a Raptor

Active Member
are you also upgrading your barracks/training grounds/merc camp? that's where training speed comes from (and particular AWs needles/flying academy/victory springs)

if that was their response it was kinda dumb since only upgrading armories (affecting training size) would exacerbate your problem


Buddy Fan Club member
My guess: You haven't been able to get your total training queue time to where you are training something 24/7. This means your goal should be to have the queue where it is a bit more than your longest time away from the game, usually sleeping time or around 8-9hrs. The first thing you need, to be able to do this, is to have 5 training slots in your barracks. Yes, upgrading to that level will shorten the time for individual unit training, but having 5 slots gives you more to work with. Once you get the barracks up to 5 slots, then upgrading armories will increase the number of individual units training at one time, thus increasing the time it takes a slot to train them.
This is a common misconception in the beginning chapters of the game. It *feels* like if you're training them faster and can collect more often during the day you *should* have more troops. But, if you're losing several hours of time training zero units, it's hard to make up for that.
Note: as your training size increases, it will cost more supplies to train a slot of troops. Make sure you can keep up with this by keeping a sufficient number of upgraded workshops and using Power of Provision (PoP) spells when you're able to collect shorter term productions.


are you also upgrading your barracks/training grounds/merc camp? that's where training speed comes from (and particular AWs needles/flying academy/victory springs)

if that was their response it was kinda dumb since only upgrading armories (affecting training size) would exacerbate your problem
I don't know too much about what you are saying (I've only been playing a short while) but why would upgrading armories exacerbate my problem? And, no, I haven't been upgrading my barracks/training grounds (not far enough along yet to have merc camp). But doesn't that only speed the training up? Does that make a significant difference in the number of squads you train?


Well-Known Member
You train troops in a "lump" and that lump is made bigger as you upgrade armories. The time to train one individual troop remains the same, but since your lump is bigger, the time it takes to train that lump gets longer.

You can, though, adjust the little slider at the bottom of the Barracks training screen when you are online during the day so that you can collect a little more often. Then leave the slider at max for overnight productions where you want your "lump" to be as big as possible so that your barracks aren't sitting there half the night not doing anything.


Well-Known Member
Training troops faster will indeed increase your total number of troops, all other things being equal, assuming you play more than once or twice a day.

Ideally you want to have at least one armory AND upgrade your barracks. The armory helps you train more troops while you are away from the game (by increasing the training size per slot) and the increased barracks speed you get by upgrading will help you train them faster.

Edit: In looking at your city, you have plenty of armories (maybe too many, your training times must be horrendous) but your barracks is only level 6, and you are in chapter 4. There is research in chapter 3 that unlocks the barracks to be upgraded above level 10. So upgrading your barracks to train troops faster is probably the way you want to go. Your current barracks level probably can't sustain your squad size, which must be over 100?
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Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
One thing that puzzled me was how you could be playing 'a short while' and have a level 16 armory (from Dwarf chapter). What?? Says I? Geez I know there are lots of shortcuts now.. But of course you must mean an added 16 to your training queue.
After loading your city on the Architect it appears you have 2 @ 7, 2@ 8 and 2 @ 9. There is no way your squads can be increasing by zero. So I would say - check your actual number of troops before and after a pickup. So I am hovering on my Vallorian Guards and I have 178148 individual troops in 435 squads. So if I suspected an error (and it's happened before, around the time the piled up city error occurred, just sayin'), then I'd be checking that I had more Guards after picking up from 3 Valors and a Brown Bear (179410 in 438, woo hoo!).


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
How much fighting have you done in those 3 days? If you enjoy fighting, I would recommend laying off clearing provinces and saving troops for tourneys. There's endless amounts of fighting required for tourneys that will keep your troops plenty occupied and you avoid overscouting.

What they've said is true though. There are limitations on what speeding up production can do with troop creation. My baby city is crawling through Dwarf Chapter (explained here) waiting on blueprints so I'm camped out, mostly just upgrading wonders. I have a level 19 Needles already. Needles is like upgrading your barracks so it will produce units at a faster clip. However, my city simply does not have enough space to feed it all the armories it needs. It's not just the space for the armories themselves, but the residents needed to support each armory. I have 6 armories (5 level 15 and 1 level 16) and it's still not enough. So unless you plan to spend diamonds buying plots, you'll eventually hit a production wall from space working the speed angle. I'm making a lot of troops though because my overnight loss is only about 3hrs. Even though I can't fully take advantage of my Needles, I'm still upgrading it anyway because once I get through Dwarf, I'll get the Bulwark wonder and it'll start fixing the armory/space issue. As I keep chaptering, I'll have more wonders that need my attention, but I won't have to worry about Needles again for awhile. Yet, I think I'm going to switch to catering for awhile. Everything is still really cheap in Dwarf so I think I'm going to just build up a massive army for later chapters and be able to fight both tourney and the Spire when things get more expensive.