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Training Grounds and Barracks


What is the point in having both the training grounds and Barracks if you can not use then both at the same time? It just takes up space so I can have Cerberus. It would make more sense if I could train for instance Golems in my Barracks, and at the same time train Cerberus at my training ground but you can not. Is this a design flaw, an oversight, or the way it was meant to be. If this was the intention all along , it is quite a waste of space, a commodity that is highly prized in the game


This is how these buildings were designed. The Mercenary camp operates in the same way.

The reason for these buildings is in the future all 3 buildings will have 5 different troop types in them to train. We could not add any additional troops to the barracks, so new buildings had to be created.