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troop damage and hitpoint calculation


Active Member
I just learned that damage and hitpoints for troops are not equal between players at the same troop level. At first I thought that they just increased with a new chapter level, but based an a comparison with a FS member we discovered that this is not always true.

As an example, my city is in Chapter 15 and hers is Chapter 17. We looked at the 3* Senior Orc Strategist's unboosted damage and hitpoints (this is the value you see before any bonuses are added via AWs/fire phoenix/troop buildings).

______________________My Ch15 Orc Strategist_________Her Ch17 Orc Strategist

Regular Damage____99760 - 149640________________88810 - 133214


Why is hers weaker than mine? Is there a formula used to determine these values? Is this new and I missed it all this time I played? Does enemy damage and hitpoints also increase as you move chapters and is it proportional to your increase that you receive? Many questions and curious if anyone has noticed this and could answer these questions.


I don't think this has anything to do with chapter; I think it's squad size.
3* Orc Strats have a per unit:
Damage: 51-77
Hitpoints: 176
So, if you have more units in a squad (squad size) you'll have higher damage and higher hitpoints.

ninja'd by @Enevhar Aldarion but posting anyway because I went and looked up the stats :p

This only applies to province encounters right?