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Turning Buildings Option????


Is there a way to turn the buildings when you place them? I have lots of 1x2 buildings but would like to be able to turn the buildings so I can place them easier.

Also I haven't seen like a 'bank' system for buildings. Is that an option also? It would make it easier to bank a building then move them around a lot easier.


Developers have given an emphatic NO to both requests. There are several threads talking about it and speculating as to why.

The best help is Elvenar Architect - a practice grid for layouts. Vast improvement over tedious Excel or grid paper - which was all we had until recently!


The Developers say no to building rotation. They are not going to do it. They stated that it was a challenge feature that they want to keep in the game. you have to think how best to move and place things as you grown. and I must admit... I do this moving around a lot. here is a tool you an use. it has helped me for sure.
