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    Your Elvenar Team

Unbalanced Army


I'm trying to take a GEM sector,

the province sector defending army,
this is one of 8 sectors in the province.

province sector defending army

Steinling II 308 units
knight ii 308 units
crazy cannoneer 205
crazy cannoneer 205
feral wild archer 1231
feral wild archer 1231
feral wild archer 1231

I've tried various and full elder treant, bud sorceress, and granite golems to no avail, i've also tried combo's with the blossom mage and drone rider.

NONE seem to have the power to defeat the defending army
I have yet to unlock Squad size 26 and 27.

Even for the tournament, the battles have gotten to difficult for this to be a fun game.
Will there be a re-balancing to fix this?




And you can't even Negotiate without "Orcs" to pay with, which you either buy with cash or wait until the middle of the Orc chapter to build.
This is not right.


At least the next chapter is out, noticed it this morning, i'll have to see what kind of unit upgrades there will be, The pricing for research is a major pain. Very limiting in what I can do and how fast i can do it.


hope is lost even for us top players we have even worse fights than you Richiescity and our negotiation costs are even bigger in the provinces most of my fellowship as scouted 300+ provinces.
we share your pain and are Protesting against INNO GAMES for this reason and others.


We are aware there are some things in the new Battle system that are frustrating, but they aren't considered to be a bug at this time.


I will take this to mean that it is by design that I cannot win a battle and that I cannot negotiate because I need to get Orcs.

A bug implies that it is not working as intended. I can only assume that is the intent. Bad on Inno Games
