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    Your Elvenar Team

Update Workshops, Quest Didn't Complete


Game version: 0.24.923-402471d
Game world: Winyandor
Browser + version: Chrome 45.0.2454.93 m
Flash Player version: __
Operating System: Windows 8
Screen resolution: 1366x768
Account name: PrincessAlanna
Humans or Elves: Humans
Hardware Acceleration: OFF

Reproducibility: _1_/5 (1/5 = happened once; 2/5 = happens randomly; 3/5 = happens sometimes; 4/5 = happens often, but not always; 5/5 = happens always)

Quest title: New, Wonderful Workshops

Current situation:
I only had 2 workshops left to upgrade to level 6 (max I can do at this point) and I had the quest to upgrade, so I set them to go. They both finished at the same time and the quest only picked up one, making the quest unfinishable now.

Expected situation:
Quest would have been marked complete when both workshops finished

Reproduction Steps
Quest for New, Wonderful Workshops is up
2. Set 2 level 5 workshops to upgrade to level 6
3. Get coffee, lunch, etc and return after a few hours
4. Watch both workshops complete
5. Go to collect quest bonus and . . . nothing :-(

Add more steps if needed. Include only ONE action for each step!

Screenshots of the bug:




For starters, try and clear your cache and see if it completes the quest. Let us know when do and we'll go from there. :)


I had declined the quest and moved forward since the answer was slow in coming; however, I have come across the same issue in Arendyll now. I upgraded two silk manufactories to the bigger level 4 manufactories, yet when I returned BOTH were level 5 instead and only one had registered as a building upgrade for my quest. Tried clearing cache and restarting with no luck. The building is still upgraded and the quest STILL does not reflect it. This is actually the 3rd time I've had this happen now since I sent the original request.

The next time was also in Winyandor for workshops, but the current issue is the quest for 3 building upgrades.

And with the 2-level upgrade, the game actually did the same to me when I first started in one of the worlds. I was supposed to upgrade my houses, which I expected to be quick, but it was taking a long time. When I clicked on the building, it showed it was going from 1 to 3 rather than just to 2.

(Missanthropy merged adjacent posts.)
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