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    Your Elvenar Team



Been wondering what was missing here. We don't have a VIP club of any kind. My last game sold you one you had to level up which was cool, but they went way too high asking for money. So I am gonna suggest this by a lil cut and paste of 2 or 3 VIP games, w/o naming. Since not a total rob of these I am just trying some ideas to generate you money and us the players some lost benefits as you nerf stuff.

VIP can earn:
A new skin for their city on the map.
An auto collect feature for single types of supply, coins, or manufactories.
1 click auto fill the above supplies or manuctories
The longer we hold VIP status(monthly) the higher the perks for AW bonuses, factory output, etc
(All versions offer freebies per reup) Free items like the new scrolls and boosts, maybe a random new building, AW runes, whatever you feel to help keep us interested.
Another add for longer VIP holding, reduced build times.
Auto click the found map we set an order like Culture(clicks highest culture buildings first), Main Hall, then Builder(can be mixed up) Same for FS clicks.
Every 3 months we hold VIP status a free plot of land as a gift.
All this for a low price of $8 a month payable via Paypal, credit card, or a number of methods you most likely have built in.


Its a thought soggy, Open to the devs final judgement, if considered. Just looking at ways to make the game a tad easier especially looking at all those poop fields from orcs only half a chapter away. Ewe


Mathematician par Excellence
Its a thought soggy, Open to the devs final judgement
Of course. But by posting your idea on the forums you can expect others to comment as well. I was aiming for constructive criticism, sorry if it didn't come off that way.
The basic idea isn't a bad one, switching from a FTP model to a freemium one is certainly possible, as is a combination of both.
I was just pointing out that for it to make sense to the devs that the perks would have to be more closely aligned with their current pricing.
They are very unlikely to give $100 worth of stuff for $24. Perhaps it would help if you price out the perks you are suggesting, and aim for closer to a ~20% discount rather than ~75%.


Though @SoggyShorts is right the original idea might (and I say MIGHT) be too generous, the idea in itself is pretty good. Sure, Inno has to make money, all companies do, but there's nothing wrong with enticing people to spend smaller amounts regularly instead of large sums sometimes.
And the prices for premium expansions really are ridiculous at the moment, so they might want to consider whether or not to create something that will make it possible to earn one for a much lower cost.


I was half based on the expansion idea. I bought 4 or 5 so its climbing up and I got no way to fund(unemployed). Sure if they wish to keep the rates high that could be done via a sliding scale. I was trying for 10 points of VIP package. I fell short, but close to goal.Gotta also look at those of us who have not bought into the game yet or barely. You think we want VIP if that expansion is say $50 for the first 5 or so? Its not even a confirmed idea saying yes we the devs will give you this. I'm more interested in other idea adds than bashing only the expansions part.. I am in Faeries now so that left quite some room for advanced players to add any missed ideas.