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    Your Elvenar Team

We Have Filled our Ranks! Thanks!

Ms Molly

Minas Tirith - Recruiting

Hello! If you are looking for an amazing, no-pressure but growing fellowship, we would love to have you join the team. There are no hard and fast rules about how you play....just that you do play....and hopefully, you will visit everybody in the fellowship at least a few times a week. Outside of that, you are not pressured to play in the tourney or climb the spire, or contribute to fellowship adventures....participate as you wish only. Please have all three standard boosts operational and the Magic Academy.

Despite being a no-pressure fellowship, I am proud to say that all our members visit practically on a daily basis, participate eagerly in the Spire, and do a terrific job in the tourneys. I am so proud of them because they are playing out of love for the game and not ridged rules that have to be abided. We are an amazing team of people! So, if you are looking for some really good people to trade with and get a little camaraderie going with, we'd love to have you join us!

If you happen to be boosted in Planks and Magic Dust, we not only will love you, we will worship you!

If interested, contact Ms Molly (Archmage), Joppalla (Mage), or Lonewolf1221 (Mage)
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