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    Your Elvenar Team

We need a pinned Moderator comment here in Ideas


Please write a brief statement and pin it to the Top of the Ideas and Suggestions Sub-Forum.

Something that says "The following suggestions have frequently been made by players:

  • Rotate buildings
  • Storage for buildings
  • Trade coins for supplies
  • Upgrade premiums
  • Builder upgrades require diamonds?
  • Rotating buildings
  • (other common suggestions)
Close by asking players to comment on the thread, rather than starting new threads.

Then make a thread for each of the above topics, please. really please.


I feel bad for new players attempting to enter into the Forum with valid comments...but ones that we've heard so often that our responses are either non-existent, brief, or sometimes rude. This can't be very encouraging for them.
Last edited by a moderator:


Mathematician par Excellence
Agreed, I'm fairly new and it seems like devs/mods never comment on any ideas, even ones that seem to have universal appeal.
At first I thought they either don't read, or don't care, but now I assume from your post that they have probably just seen the idea a dozen times and are letting the veteran players comment for them.
That being said, having a mod that knows the developers plans comment once in a while would be nice, and should only take a few minutes each day-- I mean look at the "give us our knowledge points back" thread. Clearly intended as a bug thread, but hasn't been moved.


Trade excess Hammers for KP
stronger and capable military for players
upgradeable culture


I agree. There should be a mod assigned to daily/twice daily check up on this.
And perhaps collect the same topics/threads and move / integrate them to only one.
And keep a list of the ones most often mentioned/edited.