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What happens when you delete an AW


Since the fighting has become impossible for me, I negotiate. I have a couple of AW taking up real estate that are dedicated to assisting with the fighting aspect of the game. I would love to be able to reclaim that real estate, but was wondering what happens to the runes used to initiate the wonder and or all the KP that were used toward upgrading. I can't seem to find that answer anywhere.
Can someone help me.

Gath Of Baal

Well-Known Member
Every thing is lost.. except if you had excess runes for that wonder.. If you sell off a wonder you loose all kp put towards it and the initial runes you filled the wheel with.. but any excess runes you keep


Oh Wise One
But, in case you aren't sure.
You can rebuild the AW later if you decide you made a mistake

Also, if you do have extra rune shards, after you tear down the AW plug those extra runes into the now empty AW.
That way any broken shards that occur will be available for an AW you may want.