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    Your Elvenar Team

what happens when you run out of room in your city


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
You have to keep updating your buildings. When I started playing, I got a huge culture building that gave me what I thought at the time was great culture. But as you progress, you know that you need to sell those off and replace them with something better. (You can upgrade them, but those huge, early buildings take too many rrs to upgrade, so don't bother.)

You also need to make sure you're only building boosted manufactories, and trading for the rest of the goods. That saves a lot of space. Make sure you keep your buildings upgraded (the manufactories and the workshops and residences). You can buy expansions, but you really don't need to. The trick is in learning to make your city as efficient as possible.

Sir Bently

I agree with Darielle and Shimmerfly
It just takes time and patience, as the saying goes patience is a virtue ; to me this a game of strategy not how fast you can grow you're city
If you aren't in a fellowship then I suggest that you find a good fellowship to join that actually helps each teammate


Well-Known Member
You can also earn expansions on your world map. Complete provinces and you will get them at no cost. Easy to get in the beginning but it gets harder until you have them all


Also, remove your culture buildings that are a couple chapters behind, and put in the newer ones that have better culture and/or pop/cult. Another thing I see in a lot of in cities is evo buildings at 1 or 2 evos. Most arent worth the space giving that little help. you can always teleport those into your inventory if you want to keep them. Its better to upgrade your manus with the space.