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What is my email?


Well-Known Member
I finally created an account on Beta. It wants me to validate the email, but I have no idea what email it used. Looking at my accounts here, I see that I can change my email, but I cannot find out what my registered email is. I just created another city with a new account name on the us server. I did not enter an email and I did not see a default email. It offers a diamond bonus for confirming the activation email - but I have no idea what email it is using and I am not seeing an activation email in my current email accounts.


Oh Wise One
File an in game report and ask for the first and last character of the email. Should be enough to figure it out.

Gath Of Baal

Well-Known Member
What game/social platform were you using when you originally found out about the game and decided to click it and give it a try?

I was using Facebook when I saw the Elvenar advertisement and clicked it, so it used the email associated with that Facebook account. I have also noticed Microsoft Edge auto fills my email for me when its required to start other games and it uses my information from my Microsoft account.. I don't use Google or other platforms but i would assume they have a similar feature.

I directly access the game now and by pass Facebook to get in, but the original account creation was tied in with it