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    Your Elvenar Team

What trades you see


How does the game determine which players' trades are visible to you? I understand that you only get to trade at normal rates with players you have scouted, but who all can you actually see trades for?


Hello, Avon.
Below is the picture which explain how far you can trade.



OK, so if I'm understanding this correctly, it's impossible to trade with a neighbor more than 3 away. Thanks.



As far as I can see, it's a maximum of 3 neighbors away (see blue arrows)


The game will show you as many trades as possible within your discovered area. If the number is sufficiently low enough, it will substitute some player's trades who are not yet discovered. These trades are subject to the trader's fee. In a perfect world, you will never see trades that require a trader's fee - this is not always the case. Nor do we have information on the exact threshold or how its determined.

Additionally, there is a maximum range on which trades will be displayed. I believe this is 2x your discovered range (if you have discovered up to 5 provinces away, your max may be 5 provinces beyond that) I can look into this further, but that is what makes the most sense given what I can see in our tools.


Do not be limited by the image size. It is impossible to zoom out far enough. It is an interconnected chain, you will be able to see a trade from someone to the left of B-7 as well.


The game will show you as many trades as possible within your discovered area. If the number is sufficiently low enough, it will substitute some player's trades who are not yet discovered. These trades are subject to the trader's fee. In a perfect world, you will never see trades that require a trader's fee - this is not always the case. Nor do we have information on the exact threshold or how its determined.

Additionally, there is a maximum range on which trades will be displayed. I believe this is 2x your discovered range (if you have discovered up to 5 provinces away, your max may be 5 provinces beyond that) I can look into this further, but that is what makes the most sense given what I can see in our tools.

Thank you, this makes much more sense.


The game will show you as many trades as possible within your discovered area. If the number is sufficiently low enough, it will substitute some player's trades who are not yet discovered. These trades are subject to the trader's fee. In a perfect world, you will never see trades that require a trader's fee - this is not always the case. Nor do we have information on the exact threshold or how its determined.

Additionally, there is a maximum range on which trades will be displayed. I believe this is 2x your discovered range (if you have discovered up to 5 provinces away, your max may be 5 provinces beyond that) I can look into this further, but that is what makes the most sense given what I can see in our tools.

Currently I have exactly two trades available in my trader. Surely that's "sufficiently low enough" to add some more players to my trade area? I have explored to have 32 neighbors in full color.