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when does this FA end? the clock is confusing!

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the clock has been at 1Day for over 24 hours. When does it officially end, EST if you can please (and the date). thanks! i have seen multiple ending dates floating around. could we get the official word on this?


Hi LadyGoGo,

Please be aware that the countdown will go in days until 24 hours remain. At that point, it will switch to hours. Once only minutes remain, it will then switch to minutes.


Mathematician par Excellence
@Aider we are fully aware of that, and it sucks.
"Somewhere between 25 and 47 hours to go" is garbage.

Edit: I think we are at 27h to go at this point, but there is no way to know for sure as everyone from support, and the forums just keeps saying the same thing you just did.


Hi Soggy,

The FA started at noon the 13th and will last six days. The FA will always go until the end of the day, so 11/19 around 22:59 is when it should all go away. ;)

I have made support aware of this end time and instructed they could release if asked. Thanks for letting me know. :)


Germany, oh Germany since I got it directly from my tools. Heheh. :)

I'll let you do the converting, I do enough of that. :X


You're a pro, Soggy!

Please be aware that general support members do not have access to view event start/end times. This is the only event that has the funky countdown. We are working on getting it replaced. ;) Sorry! :(


Well for the second time in a row - our FS closed the event early (last night/Friday) because of the "clock".

Ooooh, now we probably won't win a 2 hour instant ....wait a tic.... wasn't that a throwaway prize in the Fall Event?


Hi LadyGoGo,

Please be aware that the countdown will go in days until 24 hours remain. At that point, it will switch to hours. Once only minutes remain, it will then switch to minutes.
On Friday Nov17 @ 5 pm EST it said we had 1 day to go. 5 pm Friday + 1 day = 5 pm Sat, but no it switched to hours and the actual finish time is Sunday 5 pm. PLEASE give us accurate timing!


That is a development decision, but we have forwarded your feedback. Thanks!
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