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    Your Elvenar Team

When is the next sales event? :)


I need diamonds, but I sure like a deal, regardless of how stupid that sounds haha.


The various "coupons" are individualized, and the marketing team uses them to entice folks to rejoin the fold and/or to purchase a few diamonds.

So the unfortunate answer is that if you're already doing xyz (buying diamonds in this case) they've already succeeded. :cool:

There's a forum contest happening right now, Suggest a Fairy Holiday, that may be your best bet.
See https://us.forum.elvenar.com/index.php?threads/we-need-a-fairy-holiday.2604/


LOL, well, didn't hurt to try...but I'm still going to buy. My chances of winning the contest pale in comparison to using a Mastercard. :)


Oh lol - the worst offer I have ever seen in a game by Inno. I mean it is the first time (at least for me) that you don´t have the combination: Diamonds + an extra like KP. In this case it would be diamonds + troops. Instead you have to choose...buy diamonds for 50 dollars or buy troops for 50 dollars.
Don´t get me wrong, I usually like this special offers - In F.o.E. I used this special offers to buy diamonds and it was worthy. That is why I am that disappointed...


I'm not getting the popup in any of my worlds, so it must be driven by a "lack of troops."

Maybe it's cheaper than paying overtime wages in the Barracks?? Or maybe they're offering some unattached troops that would not otherwise be available??

Just to stir the pot, think about the firestorm that would occur if they were to accidentally include the new Fairy Units in a promo. :eek:


I also get the troops offer today! Now I'm staring at my army and wondering how much they be worth if Inno would allow me to sell those back to them. ;)



Well-Known Member
I do wish that with these offers, there was more information offered as to what it actually contains. The images alone aren't very descriptive.


If you click on "Other Payment Options," so that you will have access to the Full Popup rather than the Quick Purchase Popup, the mouseover tooltips will tell you exactly which Troops are being offered at each level, for both Humans and Elves.
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