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    Your Elvenar Team

when online


Is there a way to know when others of your group are on line or is there a way to have this introduced for players to have



Type /who in the Fellowship chat box, and you'll get a list of all of your fellowship members who are current logged in, which is DIFFERENT than currently paying attention, but if you type a comment then they'll probably notice it within a few minutes.
I just tried it... Power... OVERWHELMING. XD

*laughs* Ah, lurkers, I SEE you!

Man, where'd "/who" come from? Wasn't it mIRC?


This is why I have never felt terribly guilty about lurking and learning. They have the power if they want to know whether I am there! Of course. much of the time I am off doing other things, and not really paying attention to the chat. The downside is that I forget to say 'hi' when I do decide to join the chat, and just barge in as though they have know I was "in the room" all along, when they haven't used the /who. Sometimes it gets very quiet all of a sudden and they finish the conversation in whispers. Then I feel quite naughty.

Deleted User - 312108

mirc has /whois to get info on a specific user but some of the old chat room programs had who I think...


The hotkeys including /who are posted kn the FAQ section of forums. It's a great bit of info to share with your fellowship as you can save a bit of time resetting production (click with mouse and type # before screen even opens). I use the L-logout, W world map, C- city,T- trader every day. Easier navigation.
  • C: Return to City
  • W: Go to the World Map
  • B: Open the Build Menu
  • R: Open the Research Tree
  • T: Open the Trader
  • numbers 1 to 6 are used to start productions in your workshops, with 1 being the 5 minute cycle, and 6 the 24 hour cycle.
  • numbers 1 to 4 are used to start productions in your factories, with 1 being the 3 hour cycle, and 4 the 48 hour cycle
  • M: open messages
  • H: open ranking
  • N: open notifications
  • you can type /who in fellowship chat to see who is online.
  • you can type /w player name to whisper to a player. If a player has a space in the name, you can use quotation marks to whisper that player. Example: /w ''Two Words" hello!
  • A will open the ancient wonders menu
    (when released)


/who revels a player online that has been inactive for over a month. No building actions and no score changes. What is up with that?