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    Your Elvenar Team

Where’s Waldo or maybe a Wizard?

Would you like to see this idea implemented?

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Ember Candy Mint

New Member
I was watching the live feed on Facebook and my idea was directed to this forum, so here it goes...
1) I would like to see a special character that could be part of a search and find format, with perhaps a reward for finding each day (maybe diamonds or supplies)
2) if you model the character around events or holidays (ie Santa) Then it could become a regular daily reward.
3) The people are so cute and guest races come and go (which I didn’t realize until Chapter 9) and I’m sure there is a lot of effort in creation, design, animation and it’s a shame they are not noticed more
4) If you expand the idea, when visiting other fellowship members or neighbourly visits, then perhaps a secondary item could be added to the sidewalks (ie presents) that could be collected for rewards (although lesser value than main character) or perhaps a magic shuffle with opportunity to win all sorts of things.

I think this suggestion would encourage more interaction with the players and their cities. Please feel free to add your input, thoughts and/or suggestions!


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Well-Known Member
Ohhhhh I love this idea!! It's such a creative and clever way to get players to spend some quality time in their (or even as Lelanya says - in others') cities. I can see this working for event currency too...maybe finding a certain character during an event gives you a certain amount of currency, for example.

The only "Con" I can foresee is the return of complaints about having to hunt something down. Personally, I still miss having to scan the outer banks for the visit reward chests...but understand a lot of people were put off by it. If this idea were implemented as side-game...a little activity that a player can or does not have to take part it...then I think it would cut down on the complaints. Well...essentially every aspect of this game is elective (fellowships, boosts, tourneys...etc) but I still think it would need to be framed as separate somehow to the main game play. Likely this means the rewards would need to be relatively minor. But what fun it would be to go seeking!! Yes please.

I'll be eagerly watching this idea in the hopes it gets picked up.


A where's Waldo type idea was voiced several years ago and I thought it was a great idea back then, and I really like your idea as well Ember. I still like to go to my neighbors Kingdoms and check them out when I have time, rather than just using the quick pick choice *I do love quick pick though as my schedule is usually nuts*

I would whole-heartedly support this idea being implemented because I personally think it would be a ton of fun ( I was a Waldo geek when I was younger what can I say, and I still like "find them" type puzzles when they are well done)

@Lelanya "tossed like rubbish" I must have missed that rant lol...


Oh Wise One
I'm not inherently averse, but I think the idea would need to be touched up quite a bit. How would it work into the lore of elvenar? (Where's Waldo is a different game, and while there might be some appeal-overlap, it needs to fit what we have). How would you make it more interesting than rooting around in the bush for treasure chests, which we agitated for several years to get rid of when visiting neighbours. We did at one times suggest the chests move around the city, and instead they chose to remove them altogether.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
While I'm not opposed to the idea I do think the rewards would have to be really, really fantastic for most players to take the time. As it is they moved away from "find the chest" exactly because people didn't want to search and now that you don't need to do so taking a step "back' would require quite a motivation. I doubt the devs would be able to offer enough rewards for finding the Missing Mage to have many actually do so.



Well-Known Member
While I'm not opposed to the idea I do think the rewards would have to be really, really fantastic for most players to take the time. As it is they moved away from "find the chest" exactly because people didn't want to search and now that you don't need to do so taking a step "back' would require quite a motivation. I doubt the devs would be able to offer enough rewards for finding the Missing Mage to have many actually do so.

Or, they could just hide the mage well enough to make sure those players who don't want to play could simply ignore it. I would argue to keep the prizes small so that players don't feel forced or compelled to play if searching for something doesn't interest them. It would merely be something for those of us who enjoy that sort of thing.

The extra little bonus rewards for visits were nice, a great incentive to introduce players to the idea of visiting. But visiting wasn't mandatory and hunting out the chest wasn't either. I'm glad they changed the need to enter each city but I wish they'd left the chests there to encourage players to still visit each other, at least 3 times. Now it is just handed to you simply because you clicked a button. This idea that having to work for a reward is somehow a negative confuses me. (And aj, that statement is not directed at you or anyone in this thread specifically since no one has said it is a negative here - but maybe a little to the 'rubbish in the bushes' player on EN server, lol).


Active Member
I like this idea. Not many players take the time to visit their neighbors much anymore. So, having to search through a number of cities might end up being good for all. Aside from the reward and or prizes for locating this meandering vagabond, there are trade possibilities to consider. I often return from viewing cities on my map with plans or ideas inspired by what I have seen. So I guess I'm all for this suggestion but with a few changes.



Buddy Fan Club member
Why limit the prizes to something inconsequential? It could be anything we win or craft anywhere from goods to diamonds. If someone doesn't like a feature, they don't have to do it. You don't like the spire? ignore it. Don't like the tournaments? Don't do them. Not a fan of the Fellowship Adventures? Don't participate. Don't like the special events? Don't do them. Really quite simple. You are not forced to do much in this game. You can do as little or as much as you want.


Mathematician par Excellence
If someone doesn't like a feature, they don't have to do it......You can do as little or as much as you want.
This doesn't account for balance.

If the prize for doing something is really powerful like a Fire Phoenix or Brown Bear then there is no neutral choice. You can ignore the event and prize, but when the developers later make things harder based on most players having a +50% attack bonus, you are screwed.

This is why the "If you don't like it, don't do it" argument falls apart.


Buddy Fan Club member
@SoggyShorts Not so. It is a game play decision. I don't expect that they would put something like an evolve in a chest... but time instants and the like, yes. And if you missed out on the fire chicken or decided not to keep the brown bear, that is a choice of the player. I opted out of the brown bear... and have paid the price for it. The same with the fire chicken in several worlds where I chose the gold bird, It was a choice that worked against me with the new scheme, but it is what it is. Putting stupid things in the chest would negate the whole purpose. Do I need another lamppost or codex? No. Do I need instants of every variety ... YES. An occasional diamond chest or spells chest.... CC, RR's, etc would be wonderful.

Many horrible things are done in the name of Balance. I don't think an odd chest here or there actually threatens the balance of the elvenar universe.


Oh Wise One
. Putting stupid things in the chest would negate the whole purpose. Do I need another lamppost or codex? No. Do I need instants of every variety ... YES
If the prizes are worth having, then everyone will expect to be able to participate and the ones who find searching for needles in a colour haystack mind-numbingly boring will complain. People might find the Spire too hard, but very few find it boring. Tournaments were boring, so they reduced the number fights, and they were still boring, so they reduced the number fights again.

More than a small fraction of players finding something boring is the kiss-of-death in a freemium product.


Buddy Fan Club member
Expectation is not the point. People expect that their AW's not get nerfed, bu t they were. People expect to be able to complete quests and get the prize at the end, but they don't. People expect many things. Expectation is not the issue. I never expect anyone to see my point of view in the forums, so I'm generally not disappointed. If there is a non-mandatory option, then people should not EXPECT that it be handed to them without them getting bored. The tournament complaints, from what I read in the forums were that people had to 'click' too many times.

What do you base the statement that few people find the spire boring? You many not. The five percent or so of players that you have contact with, may not, but that is a very general statement that has no support in numbers. It is an assumption. The adjective 'boring' applied to the tournaments is another statement that seems to in the same category. I didn't find them boring. If I were bored, I wouldn't play.

Adding other facets to the game, that can be ignored, doesn't mean anything more than a person can do it if they want to or not.

You are making general statements based on your personal bias. You seem to be saying that if YOU find it boring, then the majority of players will find it so.
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Well-Known Member
@SoulsSilhouette I totally get what you're saying and keep nodding in agreement to the basic principles behind it. Things should go the way you're saying. If players don't enjoy an aspect of a game they should just not engage and leave it alone. In practice, though, it doesn't typically turn out that way. There are examples of that all over the forum. Losing out on the treasure chest hunt is one of them. Players who hated hunting around for it should have just...not hunted for it. But instead they felt they were missing out on the rewards inside and that it ought to be made easier - or less annoying - to obtain. Inno evidently agreed. Not only did they make those chests a near automatic get, they started filling it with all sorts of things which give it much bigger value. So now, players who don't visit are really shooting themselves in the foot, rather than simply getting to choose not to play that part of the game. And players who enjoyed the hunt are out of luck.

My suggestion that the prize for finding the mage remain lame was to side-step that fate. If the prizes are easily passed over, the forum won't get flooded with players complaining that the mage was too hard to find, or that the grid be re-formatted to make the mage easier to find, etc etc. Sadly, while it shouldn't happen....history as a track record makes it pretty likely it will happen. Then this awesome idea gets either rejected...or worse...tampered with to the point of creating yet another imbalance in the game.


Buddy Fan Club member
Effort in this game should be rewarded. And because people are lazy, it's not the case and that is making this game less attractive to play. There is no challenge unless you like fighting, which I'm not particularly fond of. One of the things that attracted me to this game. But making the reward for the search lame and stupid, why would anyone bother? Unless it gave you 'points' towards items in a mage store.... kind of the way the MA works.