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Why does Cerberus have only 2 heads?


Since in Greek Mythology Cerberus has three heads, why does the one in the game only have two? Just curious.:rolleyes:


Since in Greek Mythology Cerberus has three heads, why does the one in the game only have two? Just curious.:rolleyes:
Actually he originally had fifty heads, has been described as having up to one hundred and commonly only had two in early art... so there is no standard.

Heracles, with club in his right hand raised over head, and leash in left hand, drives ahead of him, a two-headed Cerberus, with mane down his necks and back, and a snake tail. (c. 530–515 BC)


Yes, I heard that too, if they count the "snake head mane" that has many heads.


you also left out copyright/trademark/patent/etc laws...INNO doesn't have the rights to three headed Cerberus, this is also why their haflings have horns. :p


you also left out copyright/trademark/patent/etc laws...INNO doesn't have the rights to three headed Cerberus, this is also why their haflings have horns. :p

I don't think anyone needs rights to Greek Mythology or can have them, so they could have done that if they chose to. Also, there was another adventure game that I played a long time ago that had a three headed cerberus...I think it was Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire.


Because it's not Cerberus the mythological hound, but a species of animal bred for battle, named after the mythological hound. Have you noticed that we also have dinosaurs in Elvenar? :D
Dinosaurs?? Which creature are you referring to? :)


The other one I was thinking of has something that resembles a triceratops skeleton
Not sure on that one... there are two orc culture things with sabertooth skeletons and one with a dragon skeleton... and of course the raptors nest has another pterodactyl... I couldn't find a triceratops skeleton. :eek:


Awesome! Having those [orc armory and grab shroom] must be quite the milestone of achievements. Elvenar is wonderful, a bit of everything for everyone.


Having those [orc armory and grab shroom] must be quite the milestone of achievements.
I was sad when I had to upgrade the Orc Armory and lost my Mammoth! The Grab Rap Shroom is Premium and I got one because it looked cool and I had not seen the full animation... but after watching the mushroom eat the pterodactyl every three seconds for days, I sold it. Most annoying animation in Elvenar I think. :(