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Why no information about the background image is slowly grow (building) we not control



No information in Wiki or in game about the right background image they have some construction slowly grow and how that can appears or how much points or ranking we should be have or paids to grow this parts without no information?



Hi Babylone,

I have no idea what your question is, haha. Maybe you could say it differently?



This part grow, but no information how, about, cost, no information.


These buildings have disappeared all of a sudden and I can't find any information on why or anything about the recent updates that including them being taken out for some reason--- anyone know anything about this? Those images were the only reason I pushed so hard to gain my wonders! Lol.


[QUOTE="Sir Squirrel, post: 47313, member: 2611I ]To see them you have to have your graphics options set at med. or high. At low they don't show. You get to options with the big gear at the bottom right of your screen in game and then pick the little gear and check what level your graphics are at.
Hope this helps![/QUOTE]
I did not even think about that. I forgot that I put my graphics on low to speed up visits without lagging too much. That explains it! Lol. Thank you :)



No information in Wiki or in game about the right background image they have some construction slowly grow and how that can appears or how much points or ranking we should be have or paids to grow this parts without no information?

You get those for building certain Ancient Wonders. Sanctuary/Martial Monastery, Crystal Lighthouse/Great Bell Spire, Mountain Halls or Dwarven Bulwark, ..and one more I forget lol