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    Your Elvenar Team

Wisdom Square


Oh Wise One
Does anybody know the exact formula for how many apprentices it produces? I get that the better developed your faculty buildings are, the more it will make but I was wondering exactly how the increase is calculated?


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I suppose I shouldn't even post here, because I don't know the answer to your question, but I'll tell you what I did in S and D. I was so frustrated by the huge wisdom square, huge campus, and THEN huge buildings (3 different kinds) that were needed to even do anything, that I just got sick of the whole chapter. I just built one of each of the three buildings and then kept making the goods to expand the campus to level 4. Once the campus was expanded as much as it could, I sold the three buildings and just used PPs for all of the research for the rest of the chapter. I never even completed those quests to build two of each building, get so many guest race supplies, etc. I powered my way through the chapter and got to halflings as quickly as possible. Now, I'm just taking a breather in halflings and not worrying about progress.

At any case, I wanted to wish you good luck with the chapter.


Buddy Fan Club member
Here's what the Wiki says:
You start with the attraction of 6 apprentices in 24 hours if you have no faculties. After those first 6 the amount of apprentices you attract is based on the combined level of your faculties multiplied by 6 + the base 6. For example if you have 2 faculties at level 1 and another faculty at level 2, The combined level of your faculties will be 4 (1+1+2). Multiply 4 by 6 and you get 24, add the base 6 and you attract 30 apprentices per 24 hours.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
This is an unbalanced chapter and apprentices are the weak point. Place and level more faculties to get more apprentices. I have a good easy system for three of each type of Faculty but! For this to work it requires stalling production of stars, bottles and skulls periodically as well. I put down the square early, long before anything, and rode through a couple of FAs with minimal development or tech production, and had no shortages.