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    Your Elvenar Team

Hello Words Go Here

Greetings and salutations. I've been playing Elvenar for about two weeks, and enjoying myself immensely. My only complaint about the game is that I didn't stumble across it sooner.

About me? I'm a short, fat, ugly old man who is socially antisocial. I have epilepsy, diabetes, and glaucoma, which means I'm off and on, have no sweetness in me, and aim very carefully. I have an open mind, but not so open my brains fall out. If you ever want to know exactly where you stand with me, just ask. But be sure you can handle the answer.

I own a dog, close to thirty farm cats, and a hearse. I like animals more than people, and hoard books.


Sounds like my dad. he often calls himself a grumpy old man. ;) The book hoarding sounds like me.
Two of the three bedrooms, half of the dining room, and part of the living room are filled with floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall bookshelves. I've had to reinforce the floors in the bedrooms to hold the weight.


Two of the three bedrooms, half of the dining room, and part of the living room are filled with floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall bookshelves. I've had to reinforce the floors in the bedrooms to hold the weight.

Well dang :eek:
It would be a long one, depending on how fast you read. I go back through the whole thing about once every five years to get re-acquainted; it took me around nine months straight last time.