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World map provinces changing from Yellow [difficulty] to Orange?


Not sure what's up? When does a province level change from green to yellow, or from yellow to orange? It's rare, in all the time I've played this game that I've ever had "Orange-Level" provinces to complete? I've finished Chapter 15, and when I first started the chapter I had some scattered green provinces; lots medium level [yellow] provinces; a few of the orange provinces, to complete, then they all changed to the next lower level once I started the tech tree of chapter 15. Now, for some reason, almost all of them are orange?

I've played "forever" [since 2015] and it seems I should understand how the World Map works when it comes to how the difficulty level changes. Apparently I don't because my map use to be all green and yellow provinces, but just the other day I noticed that all the yellow turned to orange, which is the hard level. I've completed 497 provinces [when I check the expansion tab] and the "new" list/menu located in the World Map, shows that I have 65 provinces discovered and five [5] are green, and the other sixty [60] are all orange [hard level]. I do continue to scout, but I thought any new provinces opened up would increase in level, not that anything already opened would change?

Is this something new the developers have tweaked? Is it a glitch? Or is it the process and I'm just clueless?
World Map GEC.jpg

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Every time you scout a new province, it raises the cost and difficulty slightly of other unscouted provinces, so if you have enough available, you will sometimes see some of them go up in difficulty. But it is so gradual, that you rarely see it happen except early in the game if you are over-scouting. And yes, I think it has been that always been that way in the game.


...wonder why the green stayed green, yet the yellow changed to orange? In the pic I have two [2] discovered provinces, not scouted yet, next to each other and they are green & orange, yet only one [1] ring apart. Seems that the greens should have gone to yellow when the yellow went to orange?


Oh Wise One
...wonder why the green stayed green, yet the yellow changed to orange? In the pic I have two [2] discovered provinces, not scouted yet, next to each other and they are green & orange, yet only one [1] ring apart. Seems that the greens should have gone to yellow when the yellow went to orange?
The graph of provinces in each ring is a parabola, so the relationship between rings is not linear


So nothing unusual here, okay...thanks

With 20:20 hind-sight, I should have opened them when they were yellow instead of focusing on the green...


Well-Known Member
The colors are only there to cover ranges, not necessarily large jumps in difficulty. Let's say for example that the yellow/medium label might cover all provinces that fall within 76-125% of your squad size for the enemy units, while hard could be 126-200%., A province that's at 126% of your squad size would be orange, while a province at 125% would be almost the same difficulty but colored yellow instead. The difficulty increase for each new scouted province is gradual, even if the color changes make it seem more significant than that. Moving from one ring to the next is a much larger increase than the impact scouting has.


Oh Wise One
Yep it is just a visual representation. When the combat system first changed people were having a lot of difficulty in the world map, often they were fighting provinces they were supposed to lose but they didn't know it. The visual graphic came in as a guide to help people have a better sense of difficulty or if they should even try and do combat.

Hence you have a graphical overlay with hard boundaries like qaccy illustrated above.


Ah...I understand...thank you for taking the time to explain!!!