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    Your Elvenar Team

World Switch/Logout

Deleted User - 90

I just had an idea while playing on Winyandor. It would be nice if we had an interface option to switch between US1 and US2 without having to log out or open new tabs. Another of InnoGames's games, Tribal Wars already supports a feature that allows you to change the world you are logged in on without logging out back to the login screen. This feature could be a button at the bottom or top of the page (on city view) and could even serve a dual purpose of showing you which world you are on. E.G. A button that says Arendyll when you are on US1, clicking it will show other world(s) which you have an account - such as Winyandor.

This is not a very high priority need, it would just be something nice to have - a bit of a time saver.


If you are on US1, you can change the URL from us1.elvenar.com to us2.elvenar.com and hit enter. So you will only have to change the world number and press enter, no log off or other tab needed.


yep. I think having an in-game button to "switch servers" would be complicated once there are a dozen or more servers. There is another thread on the same topic "switching between humans and elves" that is really the same thing... accessing the other account without logging out. I think the best solution is simply to open a new tab and run both simultaneously. What would really be beneficial (as I stated in the other thread) would be to have a control or function key that would switch pages in full-screen mode... but it would still require you to already have both tabs open already.


Yes I like this idea, It is done in another game I play. Also have a timer for things that are ready in the other city. That would be a great addition to the game. :D